Building Authentic Connections in the Hybrid Workspace with Betty Monroe

How do you show up authentically and create genuine connections in a virtual world?

In this episode, Betty Monroe, actress and connection coach, shares how small tweaks can make a huge difference in making connections online. She shares the pros of virtual and hybrid working and why you should consider not using a virtual background. Betty focuses on being a human creating human connections whilst working from home or in a virtual meeting space.

In this episode we chat about:

Our reliance on technology and its effect on connections.

If your camera should be on or off in virtual meetings.

Building trust filled relationships.

The difference between a leader and a boss.

Balancing your energy and your virtual calendar.

And so much more!

Connect with Betty here:

Betty Monroe is originally from Los Angeles, now residing in Atlanta, while actively working in the South East Market as a film and television actress. A mom of three, a schoolteacher of more than 20 years, and an acting coach, her many years of experience in the classroom and in the entertainment industry provide a solid foundation and segue into coaching business and sales professionals and interpersonal relationships and communication. Working with so many different people in both academic and artistic settings has been a fertile ground for observing how people connect and learning to recognize individual comfort levels. She’s excited to help you on your skills and create solid trust field relationships in both in person and virtual environments.


(03:10) How Betty went from school teacher to mentor and screen coach.

(06:45) Should your camera be on or off in virtual meetings?

(08:30) The pros of working virtually.

(11:10) Being genuine and authentic when working from home or online.

(14:45) Building trust filled relationships using real life background and connections.

(19:45) How zoom and teams meetings have changed the hierarchy of corporate worlds.

(21:50) The difference between a leader and a boss.

(24:26) Balancing your energy, emotional intelligence and filling your calendar.

(27:40) Betty’s definition of success: Patience, Persistence & Perseverance.

(31:07) Betty’s final advice.



people, space, business, pandemic, human, genuine, betty, calls, meeting, minutes, zoom, virtual, working, vulnerability, connection, person, background, listen, camera, conversation


Betty Monroe, Paula Shepherd

Paula Shepherd 00:01

Hi, I'm Paula Shepherd, I went to college to get a good job and make a lot of money. Back then, no one talked about doing what you love. And while I successfully climbed the corporate ladder, I felt like there was something missing. So I left the seemingly comfortable corporate world at 40 years old for the freedom of full time entrepreneurship. Today, I get to help ambitious women go from entrepreneur to competent CEO of their lives and businesses. I created this podcast to share what I've learned with you to make your journey just a little easier, and to connect you with other incredible business owners who took a chance on themselves and who they are becoming. So whether you're just getting started, are all in or just when you hear friendly voice. Come on in and sit with us. Now, let's dive in. Hey, everyone, welcome to another episode of The confidence sessions. I am here today with my friend and colleague, the incredible incomparable Betty Monroe. She is originally from Los Angeles, she lives in Atlanta now, a mom of three, a school teacher for more than 20 years. She is a film and TV actress. She's an acting coach, and she has tonnes of years in the classroom and in the entertainment industry. She is the original person to talk to you when it comes to genuine connection and engagement, especially in a hybrid and virtual world. Betty, welcome to the confidence sessions.

Betty Monroe 01:49

Well, wow, I don't know how I could follow that. I mean,

Paula Shepherd 01:53

it's all about you. It really is because you're amazing. And you're such a genuine human being right. I, I like to have people on this show that really are but you I think from the moment that we met, we're just incredibly human, just very giving. And that means a lot because when you meet people virtually, there's a little resistance sometimes people don't trust one another. And it was really refreshing that you were able to just go so deep so quickly. I appreciate it that

Betty Monroe 02:27

Oh, thank you. Oh, I'm kind of proud of that. I mean, I think one of the things I pride myself on is my ability to read other people, for the most part doesn't always work accurately. But for the most part, I can feel energy, and I loved you from the minute I met you. So I'm grateful.

Paula Shepherd 02:45

Ah, wow. feeling is mutual. So, you know, before we get on here, I don't like these to be scripted. And we talked about that too, because there's, oh gosh, there's nothing more painful than scripted conversation. And, but I do know that some of your expert topics and the things that you feel really passionately about our interpersonal connection and soft skills, how did you go from, I'm a school teacher and an actress to let me show you how to show up without losing yourself as a person and enhancing that on a screen.

Betty Monroe 03:24

Well, there's a couple of couple of pieces to that story. So firstly, I think that the combination of things I've done to make a living throughout my lifetime, including being a mom have just kind of taught me how to observe listen and watch. But being a teacher who worked with children of all shapes, sizes, colours, demographics, and even a variant special exceptionalities or with different ways of learning, it made it very easy for me to kind of read the room, right. And that's not something everyone can do. But moving forward, I actually left teaching because of all of the changes in the last I'd say about 20 years. It just started to feel like something I didn't love anymore because I couldn't teach the way that I found joy in given that we were being told what to do. And so I moved on. I had started a business with a former relationship partner, and I was producing a sales enablement based podcast. And this was prior to and all the way through the pandemic up until just very very recently. And I started seeing as we moved into the pandemic and into the virtual rooms. On a regular basis, I started seeing these professional sales people really struggling. Initially, it was haha funny with the virtual aesthetics. You know, we were joking. You'd be looking up somebody's nostrils. They were like a vampire in a cave. They didn't know how to light themselves. You know, they didn't know where to look, how do I talk to people? But then as we you know, we ebbed and flowed into the car constant flux and change as we kind of got used to the quote, new normal, which normal subjective. It kind of morphed into more of an observation of lack of interpersonal connection, but not just do the pandemic, but do too much technology. Right? So this was a wonderful gift, you know, we can always know where our kids are. And we can text a friend at any given moment. There's wonderful aspects to it. But yet, it can also be a big detriment, because it's caused a severe disconnect, not just with young people, but in adults, too.

Paula Shepherd 05:34

Yeah, I think there's there's a lot of reliance on technology over this face to face connection, even if it is on Zoom. Now, I do think that there I mean, there's several topics that we could talk about here. I think the most important for me, is this expectation, sometimes with when it comes to virtual connection, over video chat, whether it's zoom, or whatever platform that you're using, that everyone should constantly be looking at the speaker, everyone should constantly be looking at the camera that people shouldn't have the ability to turn their camera off. And as a parent of a child who has special abilities, and knowing and working with other clients with neurodivergent sees. I know that's not true. So when you work with a company, a business, just people in general, who have this expectation that when they speak, everyone should listen, they should be staring at the screen. What do you how do you start that conversation with them? How do you get them to see the other side of things?

Betty Monroe 06:45

I mean, the bottom line is they have to change the way they look at things. You know, when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change, right famous quote. So there's not a need for this perfectionism that people seem to be so tied to it's about human connection. Be a human being being human, I can't look you directly in the eye, but I am looking directly at you because I am having a conversation with you. So I'm not worried about looking into my camera, which is weird. I'm listening to you. I'm talking to Paula, I see Paula, I see pologize I'm not really looking into your eyes, but I feel like I am because I am looking at you. So I might look like I'm looking in a different direction, but I'm staring directly at you. You know, it's such a multifaceted thing. There are times when your camera absolutely should be on and then there are times when it's perfectly okay to shut it off. I think that there has become a stigma and an expectation, depending on who you're speaking to. But it was funny, because just two days ago, I spoke to a very, very well respected sales leader, author, keynote speaker, and I won't share this person's name out of respect. But I asked this person, what are your thoughts on where people are at after all this time has passed? You know, and and this person was incredibly honest with me and said, Where are we to give a letter grade, you being a teacher 70 plus percent of the people that I engage with and encounter on a daily basis are still going to be at a sea. Why is that? Okay? Not because they're not wearing a suit and a tie in a fancy blouse, and no, but because they're still like this on the camera. Or they are just not engaging in a way that is going to allow for a genuine relationship to form and they are not being their authentic selves. And they've got this fake background behind them rather than a genuine, okay, this is where I live. This is my space. This is my life. This is where I'm working from now. Like, I've got my family behind me, this is my kitchen, this is my home office. And while I definitely prefer in person when it can be done, and we are definitely getting back to that space, we've learned that the pros so far outweigh the cons in many aspects. With the virtual meeting spaces, it's allowed for so many wonderful things, companies are saving millions of dollars in former travel expenses, you can now be more available to your children and your spouses. You might not miss milestones that you would have missed before you are in a space where you can feel more comfortable in your own skin. And yes, you do have the option in most cases to do both. But it's about that genuine connection. And there's no need to set rigid rules. It's about what works best for each unique space and individual.

Paula Shepherd 09:28

You know, I do know people that use green screen backgrounds. And the reason that they do that is because they don't want to blur the lines between work and who they are right at home. And so I understand that I do from that respect. I see exactly what you're saying. I do think we lose an element of authenticity. I also think sometimes people say that's not what they want, but there there is some embarrassment right around what's behind In that maybe their house isn't organised, but they present as a very organised person in the office. And so I just, I really think this comes back down to the emotional skills more than it is anything else.

Betty Monroe 10:16

So far beyond the virtual aesthetics, that's just a basic starting point. And if you're comfortable using a virtual background, there's nothing wrong with that. But be aware of your space, so that we're not losing you, which kind of takes away, you know, if you forget, you've got a virtual background and you lean

Paula Shepherd 10:31

back in your arm and things are hard looks like it fell off. That's all I'm

Betty Monroe 10:35

referring to. It's about what works best, as I just said, for each unique individual, but maintaining an awareness that it is about that connection. And I completely respect and understand the the desire to not blur the line between home and work. However, many of us are stuck working at home and there are ways to do it. I'm just saying you don't have to. Nothing has to be perfect. It doesn't have to appear. What's the word? I'm looking for? vineyard, right?

Paula Shepherd 11:03

Yeah. Okay, so here's, that's exactly what I meant. So for people that are listening, you know, I like I like to present a couple different sides. And I think exactly what you're saying that is, don't be afraid to show your background. This isn't about perfectionism. This is about who are you? And if you're afraid of showing people who you are, we were now we're on a whole new topic. Right now. We're now we're in a whole new topic about how am I showing up because I do see people doing this whole shape shifting thing. I mean, we've I think we've all probably done it to create safety in our own bodies and space around us when we don't feel safe. Who do I need to be to occupy this space? And that's very dangerous. And and when you're working out of your home, because you can't even be yourself in your home. So if you are using a green screen, it sounds like what you're saying is ask yourself, Why let go of the perfectionist tendencies. You know, keep it simple. Just be yourself. Did I did I kind of get all of that that I wrap it up based on what you said?

Betty Monroe 12:13

I think so I think it's just as I again, I'll say it ad nauseam be a human being being human. And you have to do what works for you. And you do have to be comfortable in your own space. And if you're not comfortable sharing your your know, your actual home. I respect that as well. I think there is a distinction. You know, as as I mentioned in a post recently, I think you've commented on. Like, it's important to dress for the day. That doesn't mean you have to dress buttoned up like you're walking into an office to meet 10 CEOs and the owner of a company. It just means don't show up wearing your SpongeBob pyjamas and respect yourself enough to dress up and show up because how we dress up and show up has been scientifically proven to affect how we do what we do. So it we no longer have to be fancy shmancy I'm just wearing a little bit of a dressy t shirt, you know, you're being yourself. And there's nothing wrong with wearing your favourite earrings wearing your favourite lipstick wearing your favourite bracelet be you that's the whole purpose because of this lack of authenticity. I liken it to specially in the sales world but in any aspect of business these days because many people are doing business and meeting people in this way. When I was young, there was a character on Sesame Street called Guy Smiley. And he they old fashioned like most phoney baloney I'm guys smiley like Mr. Perfect, right? Don't do that. Just be you. Look, the reality is you are not the only one who sometime in the last 24 months has had your naked four year old come running behind you with nothing but a towel tied around their neck going I'm Superman in full view of the camera while you've got important clients on the line. Okay, or your cat has crawled across your keyboard, or the Amazon guy rang the doorbell right in the middle of a meeting.

Paula Shepherd 13:56

Those are my favourite calls, by the way. Yes, they're human, oh, you have a cat, you know, it becomes a talking point. That's my

Betty Monroe 14:03

point. And when I say show your authentic background, it is for that very reason if you're meeting a prospect for the first time, and we now have lost that face to face, as Michael likes to say belly to belly interaction, maybe maybe the picture of my grandfather will spur a memory for somebody and create a tribal connection. You know, or maybe the picture of my kids Oh, I have my kids look about the same age as yours. Tell me about yours. It can be that icebreaker or that trust builder or that empathy connector to allow for vulnerability, which is the number one thing we need to build trust filled and genuine relationships. So that's more where my concern lies and goes to and my coaching. Oh, so

Paula Shepherd 14:45

here's a I mean, this is a great point for people who aren't like you were I that are very observant, that do business development very naturally. Right? Because I would say from what I see of you how what I've known of you, our interactions are conversations both personally and professionally. That's, that comes very easily to you. Same for me. But a lot of people wouldn't think, oh, what's in the background there? Oh, that's a picture. Oh, what is that a picture of is that you and your son, oh, how old is your son? They wouldn't think to have that kind of conversation. It's not as natural for them yet. But you're encouraging people to not just show up on a screen and screen scream a screen and say, another Zoom meeting, another exhausting time another meeting, I don't want to be in but showing up with a sense of curiosity, a sense of, I wonder what I'm going to learn about this person today? I wonder what's in the background? And wonder how I can connect with them more deeply beyond the topic of this discussion?

Betty Monroe 15:52

Exactly. It's got to come from a from a personal space. And I think times have changed period pandemic or no pandemic. And I think that we have, as I mentioned earlier, lost that connectivity and that interpersonal thread, and I think it really is imperative that it come back because it's affecting all aspects of life. You know, I'm a single woman in my late 40s. And I see it in people 50 and above, I see an inability to authentically connect to authentically have a conversation and the whole world has become digital, with everything from television, to dating to business. And that's okay. But like everything else, too much of anything is too much of anything. So how do we find the balance? And how do we find the ability to humanise this, you know, we watched the Jetsons as kids and who would have ever thought, but every single thing that they predicted is now here and even tenfold so. So there are ways to do it, of course, in person is preferable at any stage. Because we are human beings, and we crave human touch, human connectivity and a need, we have a need to feel a tangible energy, right? Humans are just meant to connect on an emotional level at some stage in space in their lives. But we can do this and still conduct business in a genuine manner without it having to be buttoned up is the wrong term, but cold, right. And it can be hard because I am lucky, these kinds of things are easy for me. But I'm someone who doesn't do well in a crowd. I think people make assumptions that because I'm a working actress, and you know, I've done print work and all these things that I love to be the centre of attention, when really that is not the case, likely you won't catch me doing a TED talk in front of 8000 people that might give me a complete and total heart attack. However, talking to you one on one, or in a small group space, or working in a classroom, I'm perfectly fine. So it's going to be different for everyone. And in my situation, I was working with sales professionals, many of whom worked in IT and SAS spaces and tech building and tool building. And they were a little bit more on the introverted side. So people who worked behind the scenes and weren't used to being you know, the sales team leader, etc. That's really scary to have to be on camera all day long, which is absolutely exhausting. For even the most seasoned professional, myself included. You know, if I'm doing an acting job, I just worked on a project where we were doing 14 hour days, it is exhausting. So when you have a team leader, or management or organisation head who's like, oh, wow, this product, the productivity is skyrocketing. With all these teams, I can meet 25% more clients. And they're booking your calendar with 20 Zoom meetings a day, with no time limit on them. And then two days later coming back to you and slapping you on the hand for missing a deadline, etc. There's got to be an awareness of vulnerability and empathy brought into that space to say, hey, maybe this is just too much. And less is more, you know, no zoom call should last more than 30 minutes, unless the two people are amicable or enjoying it. Okay. 30 minutes, max, these meetings are ridiculous, even less 15 minutes. And if you have to break the meeting up into three, four sections, and that's what you do. If you have a staff meeting that you want to plan for your staff of 25 to 30 people, does everybody have to be on camera? No, absolutely not. Maybe for a minute to say hi, make it asynchronous, send out a white paper. These are the things that we need to discuss this week. How do you feel about it? Let's pick the two most important topics for this week. Those people pertaining to those two subjects. We will meet for 30 minutes Monday and 30 minutes Friday. Everybody else go about your business and complete all of the other tasks that you need to accomplish. In addition to meeting virtually Hmm

Paula Shepherd 19:44

Yeah, so there's a couple of things that you said here that kind of threw me back to my days I worked in corporate I worked in technology for almost two decades in the you know, both federal and state government contract space. And during that time, if you were to think about conference room, when people got invited to the room, the tendency was those who had the power, those who sat higher on the org chart occupied the space around the table, and then everyone else filled in, on the outside, right. But what happens with Zoom, the way that you were just describing it, particularly for people who don't want to be the centre of attention, want to be the flies on the wall, want to just come in and do their job, they want to do it? Well, they want to take ownership of it. Now all of a sudden, they're on the same, the exact same space in the same place as other people that they perceive to have more power clout, or sit higher on an org chart than they do. And I imagine that can be really intimidating. For a lot of people,

Betty Monroe 20:54

I'm sure that it can. And this is where the soft skill building comes in. Because whereas the hard skills used to be the number one thing now it's more so about, can you communicate? Can you be cooperative? Can you be flexible? And can you be malleable. So it's, as I mentioned earlier, a constant flux right now, and not in a bad way, change is hard for anyone, anywhere in any space. Nobody likes it, right. So if you become less resistant to it and more flexible and able to cooperate and able to work, as a team player, in any given space, wherever you are, it's going to be a much more, it's going to be a better outcome for all involved, right. And it can be tough, especially for people who have been in positions of power, who perhaps don't like to do that, or give up that power. But that's the difference between a leader and a boss, right? It's more about having those leadership skills, and if you don't have them, learning how to gain them, because you don't necessarily need to be the bigwig or the head honcho to be a leader, if you're working on a project with four people. And people are struggling, and you have the leadership skills necessary to suggest things and cooperate and be malleable and be flexible. What's going to happen, right? Nothing bad. So it's a you're setting a model and a precedent and b You're showing people it's okay to do so even if it comes from an uncomfortable space.

Paula Shepherd 22:24

Oh my gosh, that and that's the key right is it does start with the leader. And I think it also begins when when you start building those soft skills, it's people seeing that they truly do have the power and being able to use their voice to articulate. I think there are a lot of zoom meetings, would you consider this instead. And so there are so many different threads that we could pull here, one of the things that you did mention that really hit for me, as a business owner, you know, when when you have entrepreneurs who are working at home, who have been doing that over the course of the pandemic, maybe like me, they started their business during the pandemic, it's very easy to book a million calls on your calendar. And it's hard to see the other side of things, right. If I look back in my corporate days, there were business development, folks who would spend an entire day just to travel to meet a client to have lunch with them, to maybe have a short meeting with them, and then go home for the day, maybe do a debrief about it later on. But that was it. In this entrepreneurial space, it and social media video, all of this perpetuates this idea that we have to have more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more connections, more people more touches. Or we're not going to get that instant sense of gratitude, gratification and success that we imagined that we would to those people who were overloading their calendars, I may have done this. I do like to talk to people. So I find myself sometimes going oh, wait a minute, why did I put so many calls on my calendar? For those people who like people or feel like they need to meet more people and are doing that through zoom? What would you? What would your suggestions be both as a warning to them? And also as a? Have you considered this as an opportunity?

Betty Monroe 24:23

I think I did that too initially. Like You I started my business coaching business in the pandemic as well. So I think, again, it's going to, it's going to be unique to each individual and their capacity, but it's about having a self awareness and having some level of emotional intelligence as to a What can you take on and gain value from without overdoing it to the point where you're burnt out and you're getting zero value? If you know that you're going to gain more from having three quality calls in a day as opposed to the eighth that you had on your calendar because planning the three is going to give you the mental capacity to actually take in and listen to understand when you're speaking to each person rather than just getting through each person like a robot, right?

Paula Shepherd 25:06

Oh, oh, okay, hold on, we're gonna pause. What you just said was really important. If you have to cancel those eight calls to have three meaningful conversation and have value that have value so that after you can reflect Yes,

Betty Monroe 25:24

we have to listen to understand, not listen to respond. And unfortunately, many times we're conditioned, given the way our society moves and the fast pace, it has to listen to respond. And we're not meant to listen to respond. As an actress, if I listened to just to respond, would you believe me as a character? Probably not. But if I actually listen to my scene partner, and I respond from an authentic space of emotion, or vulnerability, or empathy, that's going to be believable, and it's the same darn thing in real life. I don't, you know, as actors we don't like to, we're not acting, that's SHM acting, okay? Being human beings being human, but we're just living truthfully, in an imaginary circumstance. Whereas, in the space of business that we work in as entrepreneurs, you and I, and many of our friends, it's about human beings being human in a real situation, and bringing that authentic space and that authentic piece of you, to whomever you're speaking, because how else are you supposed to build trust with someone to share the service or tool that you provide an offer? Right, we're helpers. You know, Fred Rogers, always look for the helpers. That's why I became a teacher. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing now. And that's why I act. So you know, it's about giving back to others more so than taking back for me at least I try to make it that way. And we're all guilty of having some level of, you know, narcissistic need at some point. But there's a difference between having a healthy balance of that, and a toxic balance. So yeah, listening,

Paula Shepherd 26:53

it's about remembering that remembering why you started in the first place, because none of what you've said, we of course, we all want financial security. But truly financial security comes from a place of giving, and not from a place of stepping on people and everything that you just said, was my like, my whole insights. My heart was going Yes, yes, yeah, that's why I adore you. Because it is it is all about the I did this because I wanted to help people. And not I did this because I wanted to build an empire. Right. And I see you continue to do that. And it is absolutely incredible. Now, before we wrap up, I want to talk a little bit about or I'd love to, with your permission to talk a little bit about how you define success, and maybe dig in to one of your moments that you mentioned here. So you told me that success is like waking up and making a scary call or taking some kind of a daily risks, challenging yourself and really being persevere, like persevering and having a sense of self awareness. Has there been a time for you in the last couple of months? Something maybe recent? That has been a huge kind of scary thing that you did anyway? And how did that turn out for you?

Betty Monroe 28:19

Yeah, for sure, just pursuing the growth of my new my new company. You know, connective engagement was born of, you know, my heart and from a genuine space in really wanting to help people, as I said, based on the skills that I have in the expertise that I have, and having well over 10,000 hours coaching, teaching, observing people, right. But I think moving back a second, my version of success is simply having what I call the three P's right, it's patience, persistence, and perseverance. So trust me being a first time female solopreneur it's not easy, and I'll happily share because I'm a human being being human. You know, I lost my main source of income while I was building this business incredibly, unexpectedly at the very beginning of the summer, and that was probably the scariest thing that's happened to me. In my lifetime, you know, in my adult lifetime since divorce, right, I still have children to care for even though they're, they're young adults, and one of them has some minor special needs. And it's just, you know, it's a scary space to be, but instead of, for me, success is being able to make the problem the solution and take actionable steps towards creating that solution, rather than curling up in a ball on corner, right. And it's also okay to curl up in a ball on a corner for five minutes, but then you kind of have to haul up your pants and pull up your big girl or big boy pants and move on, right?

Paula Shepherd 29:53

Yeah, give yourself the time that you need. And that could be five minutes. It could be a day. It could be a few hours, but I do think it's important if you All the emotion the way that you just said it versus pushing through because ultimately that, in my personal experience has led to burnout that happens to a lot of high achievers and a lot of very driven people. And I appreciate your vulnerability because doing this is not easy being any business. Being a female business owner is not easy. It's not. And anyone that's out there, feeding you the sunshine, unicorns and rainbows thing is absolutely kidding themselves, and you should not trust or believe them. So if you are looking to follow more people who are going to tell you the truth, who are going to share more of who they are, in addition to the gifts that they have to give, aka connected engagement, and Betty Monroe, then you're gonna want to follow her. And of course, you're gonna want to subscribe to this podcast so you can meet more of these people who I have on this show every week. So Betty, is there anything else that you'd like to to share or nugget that you'd like to leave us with before we wrap up the show?

Betty Monroe 31:06

Um, I think I've said it at nauseam, and it's one of my favourite things just be a human being being human. Be authentic, be yourself. And don't be afraid to take that risk of doing so because the more vulnerability you can show, the more likely you are to build genuine relationships in any area of your life.

Paula Shepherd 31:24

Amazing. Well, you can connect with Betty at her website, which is connected Also on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, I will drop all of those links as always in to the show notes. And Betty has a new course. So you'll want to check that out. If you purchase her course you're going to get a complimentary one on one coaching session with her. And at any time she also offers 15 Minute Calls to just see if it's a good fit and just to get to know one another. So, Betty, thank you so much for being part of my life, and this community for sharing so vulnerably and honestly with the confidence sessions audience, I am so excited to see both our relationship and your success unfold.

Betty Monroe 32:10

Well, thank you for having me.

Paula Shepherd 32:13

All right, everybody. I will see you next week on another episode of The confidence session. Thank you for listening to this episode of the competent sessions. I know there are hundreds of 1000s of podcasts and I'm so grateful that you chose to spend your time today with me. Head on over to the courage forward slash podcast to check out the show notes from today's episode and grab links to all the amazing goodies mentioned today. If you love this episode, as much as I love making it, make sure you don't miss out on any future ones by hitting the subscribe button right now. See you next time.

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