How To Stop Overthinking & Make Courageous Decisions Using Human Design with Rachael Ami

How does it feel to make truly aligned decisions? Why is it important to make soul-aligned decisions in your business, not just logical ones?

How does it feel to make truly aligned decisions? Why is it important to make soul-aligned decisions in your business, not just logical ones? In today’s episode I’m joined by Rachael Ami, resident Human Design expert and alignment coach here at The Courage Blueprint. She shares how to use your Human Design authority to make aligned decisions, avoid overthinking and step away from anxiety and perfectionism!

In this episode we chat about:

What Human Design is and how it can help you.

Why learning your authority is so important.

The impact of corporate America on your ability to know yourself.

Building trust in yourself and your body.

Boldly owning your decisions in life.

And so much more!

You can look up your Human Design chart here

Listen to the Human Design for Beginners podcast where Rachael dives into Paula’s chart and shares the must knows to get started with Human Design.

Connect with Rachael!

Rachael Ami is a Human Design expert and alignment coach offering support to high-level coaches in their programs, communities and masterminds. She is a 2/5 emotional Manifestor, initiating high achieving women into deeper levels of trust, intuition and power in their lives. She is passionate about sparking change in others, so they too can achieve a life they love, that supports their health, their emotional needs and their purpose. Rachael loves teaching about the emotional waves, embracing your emotional expression and creating authentic relationships in all areas of life. She is a certified Human Design and Gene Keys reader, currently in the process of receiving her ICF credentials as a holistic life coach.


(02:25) How to make aligned decisions as a business owner and using your Human Design authority to guide you back into your body.

(03:34) What Human Design is and what it isn’t.

(07:05) How you can impact certain tests like Myers Briggs, the Enneagram or Strengths tests and how knowing who you are isn’t valued in corporate America.

(09:40) Human Design authorities - Splenic, Sacral or Emotional

(13:11) Making decisions with your body takes practice.

(15:20) How to stop overthinking and ground into your body.

(17:50) You get to follow your body and be strategic. Your business gets to be spiritual and logical. Allowing things to not make sense.

(21:45) Trusting your decisions in each moment knowing you cannot control life.

(23:10) Learning to be excited without having to take action on it.

(26:26) There are no good and bad decisions, just decisions.

(27:30) “Does this decision feel like me?”

(28:25) How to stop explaining your decisions to others.

(33:20) Human Design helps you become more powerfully yourself and trust yourself in life.



decisions, people, human, authority, design, head, rachel, overthinking, business, listening, programmes, create, life, feel, masculine, trust, energy, moment, sacral, emotional


Rachael Ami, Paula Shepherd

Paula Shepherd 00:01

Hi, I'm Paula Shepherd, I went to college to get a good job and make a lot of money. Back then, no one talked about doing what you love. And while I successfully climbed the corporate ladder, I felt like there was something missing. So I left the seemingly comfortable corporate world at 40 years old for the freedom of full time entrepreneurship. Today, I get to help ambitious women go from entrepreneur to competent CEO of their lives and businesses. I created this podcast to share what I've learned with you to make your journey just a little easier, and to connect you with other incredible business owners who took a chance on themselves and who they are becoming. So whether you're just getting started, are all in or just when you hear friendly voice. Come on in and sit with us. Now, let's dive in. Hey, everybody, welcome back to another episode of the competence sessions. Over the last couple of weeks, we've been digging into some really big topics like codependency and doing way too much and leading to burnout in your business. And it only makes sense for us to bring in the incredible Rachel Amy, who is a human design expert, and she is also a co coach on our programmes inside of the courage blueprint. And one of the questions that has come up recently is around overthinking. And that anxiety of feeling like you have to keep doing more and being more. And my question to her yesterday, which immediately turned into this podcast episode was, what is the difference between knowing that you are trusting your judgement, and listening to your gut? Versus the over thinking? So how do you know that you're sitting with the decision until it's the right time to be made, versus overthinking it? I'm a chronic overthinker. It's just something that I've always done. It's part of who I am. And many of our clients are the same way and folks that are coming into our space. So Rachel, welcome back. I'm so excited that you're here.

Rachael Ami 02:21

Yeah, me too. And I really just love these conversations too, because I think they're so important to have about making decisions. Because as a business owner, and as an entrepreneur, like you are constantly making decisions all day, every day. And when we talk about authority in human design, we are talking about the specific way that you're you are made to make decisions. And whether it be in human design, it's making a decision with your body, there is nothing in human design that's going to tell you to like think about it, or logic your way through or make the smart choice, it's always going to invite you back into your body and into what feels good. And I have the question a lot with clients. And I know you and I talk about it. And even I spend time like thinking about it too, like how to tell the difference between your authority speaking whether that's, you know, your sacral or that gut feeling, whether it's like splenic intuition, or whether it is kind of like writing those emotional highs and loads to get to your decision. And what is anxiety and stories and you know, your head really getting in the way. And yeah, it's just such an exciting conversation. And I'm so excited to share it with everyone here.

Paula Shepherd 03:32

Alright, so for those folks who are just getting acquainted, or they're like, What the hell is human design? Let's have a little bit of a conversation and an overview about what it is, and then what it isn't.

Rachael Ami 03:45

Yeah, so a human does, your human design chart is kind of like your energetic Blueprint here for the world. So it's set on the time, date and location that you were born. And what I love about human design, and why we love to use it in our programmes is that you have no impact on your human design. You know, some people use Enneagram, or they use the strengths, test all these other different things. Myers Briggs is another example. And as, although those are really helpful, and they can guide you, you have an impact on the outcome, you know, so you are still part of what's getting that answer, whether it's a quiz or questions or whatever it is, whereas human design just is it is that blueprint that when you were born, that's what you've got. And it really speaks to the energy in your body where you naturally have energy where you naturally don't how this impacts your aura and therefore how it impacts the way your aura moves through the world. And it is all about bringing you back into your body so you can move through life with the most ease with the least resistance and feeling the most like yourself in every aspect of your life.

Paula Shepherd 04:49

And I was just blown away when I thought about human design because I come from a very masculine background of working in corporate Right working around lots of men, and there isn't. There aren't a lot of trainings around how to be yourself. It's more how to improve your weaknesses versus leaning into your strengths. And I will say that human design for me has been imperative in my growth. And I'm still learning. There's definitely times where, you know, I'll say something during a team meeting. And you'll say, that's not how you do it, Paula, that's not the way that you thrive. No wonder it feels hard for you. And it's not something that we master. It's something that we grow into and evolve into over time. The problem that I've had with other tests before something like Myers Briggs, or Clifton Strengths builder, or stinked, Strengths Finder, rather, which I do love Clifton's, I do think it's great. I see a lot of synergy between it. But the chronic issue for people who are doing that, let's say in lieu of human design, or not in partnership with human design, is that you take an over thinker, someone who wants to get it right to score the highest on the test to make sure that you're not doing it wrong. And you spend a lot of time deciding, well, is that me? Or is that me? Or is that me? Or is that me? And the questions or the answers to the questions may be skewed as a result of your overthinking, which then stemmed into this whole conversation, right. So one of the I'm an emotional authority, right, as an I'm a projector, and for some of you, you might be like, I have no idea what that means. And I'm gonna let Rachel explain that because we'll use me as an example here. And then we'll show you ways that you can go maybe pull your own chart and get some of the basic information that you need. And then if you'd like to learn more further or to work with us in this capacity, we'll talk about that too, later on. But for right now, understanding that I'm an emotional authority, I'm a projector and I'm also a non sacral being, what the heck does that mean, Rachel? So

Rachael Ami 07:04

I just want to backtrack really quickly. And then we will definitely get to your question. But when it comes to those, like quiz type tests, whether it's the StrengthsFinder, or Myers Briggs, you were saying, like, Am I this? Or am I that and I think especially in corporate, and if you've gone, you know, through high school, into college, and then into work, a lot of people don't actually know themselves at all, you know, like to truly know deeply who you are, takes a lot of time and a lot of work and a lot of energy. And most people at those points in corporate, like that's not something that's valued, they don't want you to know yourself, they have no need for you to know who you are. It's all based on productivity. So when you're answering these questions like Is this mirror as this may, you probably don't even know which one of those is truly you. You're answering it either, especially with the people that we work with being high achievers, and being you know, the best and everything that they've done and everything that they're doing. You're either answering like, Is this who people see me as which is who we become to, like, identify ourselves with? Or is this the thing that I wish I was or the thing that I think that I should be? So human design takes away all of that, and brings it back to this is just it like you were born when you were born. This is your blueprint, this is your soul's energy, this is where you're going. So I just wanted to make that went really quickly.

Paula Shepherd 08:31

And if anybody's going well, I think I know myself, I challenge you to spend a moment pause this and spend a moment just writing down five things about you. Five things about you. Not how you help other people, not the ways you serve other people. But the way you see yourself as you and how you would describe yourself, don't go reaching out to all your friends and asking them that the point of this exercise is to to acknowledge the fact that you don't know yourself as well as you think you do. Because we've had lots of impressions put on us by society over time. And we're able to strip those off a little bit at a time when we start to evaluate what is our human design? I'm using really masculine words like evaluate and analyse, right? But what does that look like when we're looking at human design? And one of the most important pieces, and we've there's a prior episode, so go back and find that listen to it. But there this is your one your authority, right is really, really important. And then how do you make decisions? So could you share a little bit about what it means to make decisions based on are you you know, splenic or emotional authority? Just give us the 11,000 foot view, and then we can move into the conversation about decision making and overthinking?

Rachael Ami 09:59

Yeah, so All of the authorities, as I mentioned earlier live in the body. So it's like what does feels good for your body? In that decision? They all show up in a slightly different way. So if you're a sacral, being with sacral authority, your decision making looks a lot like a yes, no, in the moment and kind of decision like, Yes, this is for me, no, this is not for me, it's almost like a like magnetising towards or repelling away from an item and idea i person, whatever it is splenic authority is going to come more in kind of hits and messages. So it might be like, don't sit there move, get in your car, just very short, sharp messages that might make sense, they might make absolutely no sense whatsoever. But again, they're always leading you towards things that are for you or away for things aren't for you. Then emotional authority. Those are the these are the biggest three to like there are others, but just for the sake of time, or focus on these with emotional authority being around 51% of the population. So emotional authority are here to make decisions over a period of time, in order to make a decision as an emotional authority, you have to ride the highs and the lows of the decision that you're making, which makes it the longest kind of decision making. It's not in the moment, it's not right then and there, you have to write this wave and this wave can be 20 minutes, it can be three hours, it can be two weeks, depending on the decision that you're making, which works in two ways. So one, you spend a lot of time with your decision compared to the other authorities. So you can be can be clearer on the decision because you've spent much more time with it. But on the flip side, because you spend so much time with it. You also like have all that time, to overthink to tell yourself stories to get worried about these things that you're doing as well. So I think the in the moment decisions are difficult for those authorities because they're in the moment. And the emotional authority decisions are difficult because you have that period of time.

Paula Shepherd 12:04

Yeah, I have always thought that I was one of those people that just I know what I want, and I make a decision. And then sometimes I have regret over making that decision. Learning what that wave looks like and how that feels is really important. Which is where I started thinking about overthinking At what point does it become, I'm challenging myself over and over and over again. This is perfectionism. This is people pleasing, which is leading to my overthinking. Right, which doesn't allow me to tune into my body because I'm all up in my head. So how would we potentially just as an emotional projector, get back into our body? And know that the decision that we're making, not saying that it always turns out exactly the way that we want, but the decision that we're making is made from a place of like in our body, right in our in our gut and our heart in a grounded way? And not all up in our head?

Rachael Ami 13:10

Yeah. So I think that's a really great question. And it does festival take practice, like this is something you have to do over and over again, to really collect the evidence of what that feels like for you because it is very specific. But I think and the way I always like to describe it is your authority is very concise. It's like yes, this is for me, no, this isn't for me. It's our move, stay. There is never any because or if or buts, there, it's never a compound sentence with your authority ever. Like, you might get a max four or five words like as an emotional authority, or as a sacral. It's going to be like yes or no most of the time. Or not right now something like that. Whereas in your head, you go, Yes, I could do this, because maybe I'll meet this person, and then maybe I'll have this opportunity. And then I can buy these pair of shoes. And then you know, we can go to this place for lunch. And my kids are going to have a great life and I'm gonna be able to pay off my credit card. And it's like, you're 4000 steps away from the actual decision that you're making. Or on the other side as well. You're like, no, because if I do it, this might happen. And that might happen. And being able to identify that yes and no, are very in the moment they're in the body and in the head comes with everything else. So if you get the answer, yes, but maybe x, y, z, that's your head. So I think to be able to separate them like that is really is a great place to be able to start and even. And I think when people first come across Human Design and come across their authority, don't even put pressure on yourself to make the decision using your authority. Just open up the opportunity to listen to your authority, and then go about your business and your life however it's going to be but take the space to be like, I'm going to listen. And then if it doesn't feel safe, you know, just carry on with your life as normal. But the more you invite your body to talk to you, the more that it's going to talk and the more you're going to have the evidence to, to really make the decision. And I am definitely one of those people like I am so anxious, I'm all up in my head all the time. And there are loads of different ways for last you mentioned like grounding into your body. So for you, whether it's meditation, whether it's walking, you know, whether there's a certain song that you feel really grounded in, what I do is actually really simple. So I can feel the mental pressure, like up in my head, when my mind is overthinking and telling me stories. And I love to just close my eyes, take a deep breath in, I imagine all that energy here. And as I exhale, I imagine the energy just slowly moving down through my throat, down past my heart, and in towards my solar plexus. And as the pressure moves down, all of those words move out and everything stops. So for me, it's, that's my little practice, obviously, that I've developed. And it's that simple of just very intentionally taking the energy from up here in my head, to down here into my belly. And that for me, brings me back home, into my body and to be able to make those decisions.

Paula Shepherd 16:20

And so for people who find it hard to do that, one of the things that I do is I just write, and it doesn't even make any sense. So if you think about Julia Cameron's book, the artists way. And I don't know if you've read this or not, Rachel, but I just do morning pages every day. But that doesn't mean I don't do them at other parts of the day, because sometimes all of those thoughts are weaved together, and they just need to go somewhere. And so I put them all on a page. And oftentimes that will give me clarity in the decision that I need to be making. Because I get really excited, right, I can get really excited about offering something or sharing something, or giving something without really looking at the big picture or not really looking at how does this anchor to my values and what I stand for, even though that's something that I share with people, that's what I coach people with, that's how I consult people, it still is something that I have to work through. And it's been a real challenge to especially as we grow the courage blueprint to feel like the decisions can continue to be made in that way that masculine piece takes over. And we think, like we can't think from here, we have to be strategic, and we have to be logical. And we have to, you know, we have to do it in a structural way. And where does this piece fit into this plan? which contributes to my overthinking, by the way?

Rachael Ami 17:49

Well, I think for that, like it doesn't have to be either or, like, you get to do both. You know, and I think sometimes when we think about business, it's either like spiritual and woowoo, and feeling good and intuition, or it's like masculine and strategy and productivity and making money, but like creating space for it to be both, you know, so for you as an emotional authority, like you get to take that time to come to clarity around whatever decision it is. And then you get to put the structure and the strategy in place if you want a need to. But also, I think for entrepreneurs, like just create space to do the things that you feel really good and that you feel called to doing, knowing that the things that bring you energy and that you give energy to from that really purposeful place, are needed in the world, and I wanted and are going to be picked up. And I think just creating that space to say Not everything has to make perfect sense. Like I just like can't sometimes like to zoom out and think just the madness that the fact that we exist as humans on this earth doing the things that we do, none of this makes sense. So why don't we try to make sense of everything else in our lives, like things don't have to make sense. Does it help? Yeah, absolutely. But sometimes allow things to not make sense, but really be in them for the creation of what it is that you're bringing forth.

Paula Shepherd 19:16

This just really made me think about one singular experience right when I was a kid, and I still do love them, but in a different capacity. But when I was a kid, I loved getting on rollercoasters. I like the thrill i thought it was awesome. I thought it was fun to be scared. And now as a mom, when my kids want to get on roller coasters, and I get on them with them. I start to put myself in my head oh my gosh, these are humans that are making this thing what could go wrong? Can I hold on to this? If this hardest breaks free? Can I hold on? Will I make it? Will I be able to hold my truck like all of these things start to come into my head where as as a child, I just was enjoying the ride. I was making a decision because it was three And it was fun. And I wasn't worried and I wasn't up in my head. And as I've grown, I've allowed all of this outside stuff to come in, and really kind of logically piece things together. And what I've been able to gradually do, and it's, it's a giant work in progress, as you know, is to come back to myself every time, right to at least acknowledge the fact that now I noticed that those thoughts are coming, which is a huge celebration. Lots of you are listening, probably saying, Yes, I overthink and I'm always up in my head, and it creates a state of anxiety, and I don't know how to get out of it. And I'm not here, obviously, to be your therapist, and Rachel isn't either. There are well qualified people for that. But what I can say is, that is not a product of who you are, is a product of the world you are you have become a product of the world around you. And that, to me, ties into the way people have been making decisions over the course of the last two years in the pandemic. And what I'm seeing now in people feeling like they don't quite trust themselves to make decisions, they've loaded up on purchases of courses, and they feel really behind and are shaming themselves for making decisions to be part of programmes that maybe weren't the best for them. Or maybe they were but they didn't have the bandwidth at the time. And they made the decision in the moment, thinking it was their gut, when in reality, it was a countdown timer or some other form of FOMO that maybe was creating some kind of scarcity in their mind. And now it leads to them doing even more overthinking.

Rachael Ami 21:42

Yeah. And I think that is really important. And I think the thing about making decisions and the thing about following your authority, even if you're an emotional authority, and you need that time, when you come to that place of clarity, you're only ever making the decision in that moment. Right? So in that moment, if it's a yes, things are right, but we don't control life. So you know, as 2020 showed us, the next week, your whole life might fall apart and might look completely different. And what we do is we have this tendency to look back and go, Oh, I shouldn't have made that decision. Like I shouldn't have chose that I should have chosen No. But just also reminding yourself that in that moment, that was a yes. And I believe and I trust that that was a yes. And I had no control over what was going to come after. You know, and knowing that you make decisions in the moments, but you don't plan, what's going to come after. And always coming back to yourself, if you're having that conversation, oh, I should have made a different decision. If maybe, in that moment, it didn't feel right. That's evidence for next time, you know, when you're trying to force a feel a decision to feel good, rather than actually feeling good. And if it did feel right, just remember reminding yourself, it felt right, it was the right decision. I don't have control over everything else that goes on in the world. And I just really quickly wanted to touch on as well that this was inspiring. We were having this conversation last night and something that you mentioned, we do do this thing where we get excited about something, right. And then we want to go and start and do all the things. And this is for everyone. This is for Sacred authorities, emotional authorities, we get excited, and that we want to go do the things and it's like, if it's a new hobby, we go online and we buy the stuff or we start a new idea or reach out to somebody. And being able to hold the idea that you can be deeply excited by something, and also do absolutely nothing about it can be really, really freeing and giving yourself permission to say, the excitement about this idea is enough for me right now. And if in the future, I have the energy, or I meet or I reach the point of clarity, or it feels really good, then I will do something about it. But just because I'm excited does not need I mean, I need to act. And that comes directly from our conditioning of corporate of it's never about feeling good or being better. It's about upping productivity. So when we get excited, we feel like we have to do rather than just be excited, just be excited.

Paula Shepherd 24:20

The most magical thing about productivity is, it's so hard because I'm still doing this. So I'm gonna say it out loud, is you know, the idea of doing less actually does create more. And, and I don't mean like go sit on your couch and have bonbons and imagine that, you know, everything's just coming your way because you actually do have to take steps forward. You do have to be consciously making decisions. But you also don't have to be doing all the time. You also don't have to be making a decision in every single moment. You do need to create some space. That's one of the most magical ideas come from the most the people that I've worked with If that have said they're not creative, really, actually aren't incredibly creative. Yeah, there's lots of ways to see creativity. And we learn more about ourselves. When we give ourselves the opportunity to create silence, I stopped going for walks and putting air pods in my ears and listening to other people's thoughts. Because I realised I was not trusting myself to be able to make a decision. And I kept thinking, Am I doing this? Because it feels good to me? Or am I doing it because someone else's idea sounded really good to me, which made me not want to trust myself. Or maybe they said something that in that moment psychologically, really struck a chord, right? There's a lot around marketing to the subconscious, which is, can be really manipulative, right. It's propaganda and a lot of ways and whether people are I don't think people are being malicious and doing it, but it can be really dangerous, and people being able to use their authority to make the decision. But I truly believe I truly believe that there are folks right now that have some really difficult decisions to make, that are mulling over it in their head, or thinking about all of the things that they didn't do are the decisions that they made that were, quote, bad choices that are contributing to their current situation. So if you were to look at human design and the decision that they've made, what would your advice be to them?

Rachael Ami 26:26

I think, first of all, like separating the idea that there is no good and bad decisions, there are just decisions, some are better than others. But decisions are just decisions, you know, you might say it again, there are no good or bad decisions. Some decisions are just better than others. But they're just decisions anyway, to that you do the best you can with the resources you have available at all times. That's just what you'd like, nobody's out here trying to do a bad job, like you're doing the best you can and really give yourself grace, that you're doing the best you can with what you have. And then moving forward being available to maybe think about things in a different way and really spend that time. How am I making decisions? Like do I see that countdown clock? And I just buy it? Because I'm like, oh my god, like what if I miss it? Or am I taking time to see like, then I think coming at decisions from a different perspective, like not Oh, is this right? Is this wrong? Can I afford it? Is this the wrong time? Because it's the right person? Do? Are they going to like me whatever. I'm really asking like, does this decision feel like me? Is this is this like, does this embody the energy of who I am? Or does this not really feel like me, because wherever you're putting your decision making, you're putting your energy. And if that energy isn't conducive to your energy, it's not going to work out. So I think first, like, forgive yourself for any bad in quotation marks, decisions you think you've made, like, there is no such thing, let's just scrap that, like decisions are just decisions. And give yourself permission to make decisions in a different way moving forward, honouring decisions that feel like you. But I also think the most important thing, when you're coming into human design, and when you're beginning to use your authority, or even if you're not in human design, but you're like, I'm gonna follow my gut and my intuition to make my decisions that feel good. It's really important to stop explaining your decisions to yourself, or to anyone else, we are conditioned to say, I've made this decision big and it is good because or I decided not to. And these are the reasons why you do not need reasons for making your decisions to anybody. Not even yourself. The only reason you need is this feels good. This feels like me, this feels like the right decision. That's it. Or this is a no, it doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel like me. And at the beginning, that's very intimidating because people have this like obsession with knowing your reasons behind your decisions. And being able to say, I turn that job down because I didn't feel good about it, end of story. You know, uh, not allowing other people to send you into that. Oh, my God, what what if this happens situation, it really does come back to as you mentioned earlier, like self trust and trusting that I know the best decisions to make for me. And I'm going to stand behind those, regardless of what other outside influences are pulling me back up into my mind.

Paula Shepherd 29:35

Oh my gosh, okay, this is a great place for us to kind of wrap up and and loop it all together. So the reason why this idea of overthinking and your human design and the oversharing and the overexplaining is important is because it's typically not a sales and marketing problem that people are having in business. It's typically not a relationship problem from standpoint in your personal life that someone else isn't doing something that you want them to do, right? It starts with self, you are the catalyst for change starting with yourself. And the number one thing to let go up there is people pleasing. And many times the overthinking the floundering in the decision that not really trusting ourselves and not allowing ourselves to get into our body happens as a result of that people pleasing. So the beauty of what we're doing inside of these programmes is that we are blending that very masculine side of things, you know, my two decades of corporate experience with project management and programme management and leading big teams. And we are bringing in your human design and allowing you to activist more kind of blase feminine flow, this works for men too. So you know, don't get scared, if you're listening this low and, and if you're a Yeah, aligned flow, we'll call it that. And so it's like thinking about it in terms of, you've got the, you're at the bowling alley, and you got the little bumpers on the side, but you still have all the room to go and still move to the target. So it allows you this great structure to create the thing that feels really great to you, which is why we we begin with human design, and a complete reading one on one with Rachel. And then from there, you get the opportunity to explore yourself, which is the part that most people want to jump through. Basically, they want to bypass that and they want to get to the how do I build this thing, and we have to slow everybody down? Why this is important is you need to know who you are not just from it. That was a really great reading perspective. But where is the application of that? And how do I continue to revisit that? And why am I oversharing? How can I be less of a people pleaser? What makes me happy what brings me joy, so that you are building your business around your life and not the other way around? You're upping your communication, the way that you just mentioned, Rachel, where you do not have to tell people what you're doing, y'all I used to feel like I had to leave post it notes on my desk at work. Because I would leave to go sit in my car to take a call for a moment or I would go to the restroom and people would be looking for me. And so what I learned was, I always need to tell people where I am in the im chat box, I needed to tell people where I was. And it made me lose a lot of myself. And I brought that into my business. And I've had to decondition that over time. And so many professionals are having to do the same thing. So whether you have your own business or just listening to this, because you're like this applies to me in my life, this applies to me in my job, I don't want to transition out of it, it all makes sense. And there's absolutely ways that we can support you, starting with who you are your human design, your very unique design, moving into how do you communicate? How can we improve that communication? How can you show up as a leader, the leader of your life, right? Not like I'm the I'm sitting on the mountaintop looking down on my minions? And where do I create standards by which people understand I expect these things and no less than, and you to be able to hold those without explanation.

Rachael Ami 33:18

Yeah, I think human design really helps you, you know, the saying like how you do one thing is how you do everything. Like it helps you to become more powerfully yourself in all aspects of life. Because if you can trust yourself in your business, you can trust yourself in your relationship, you can trust yourself with your parenting, you can trust yourself with your choices over eating and sleeping and movement. So it all comes back to how deeply can you be yourself. And when you build your business from a place of I deeply know and trust myself, and I give myself grace and this process of being human and building something new. And then you can build a business that it's actually gonna be sustainable. Because really, if you're building a business out of alignment, you might see success, but it isn't going to be sustainable. And it's not going to create a legacy and an impact that's actually going to last and make a difference.

Paula Shepherd 34:12

Absolutely. So if you are listening to this, and you're shaking your head and you want to know more, reach out to us send an email, send a DM to myself or Rachel and let's talk about whether or not it's the right fit to work with us. There's never any pressure, but we want to make sure that you're making decisions that feel really good to you and that you're starting with self. And here we're not starting with strategy. You got to know who you are, you have to know why your business exists. You have to know why you exist. What do you want to make, you know, screw the business piece of it like who are you as a person and what do you want to create in the world and honouring that. So we're here for you. You can go to the courage and hit on work, hit the work with me button and fill out an application there's no obligation Trying to work with us to have that conversation and see if it's a good fit on either side. Or like I said, you can send a DM to Rachel Amy or to myself on Facebook Messenger, we'll be happy to have that conversation with you. There's like I said, no obligation. We want you to honour your decision making. We want you to honour your authority, and being able to create the opportunity for yourself to do what feels good and best for you. So Rachel, thank you so much for being here for sharing your nuggets. And I always say golden nuggets and little tidbits with us around human design and the application of that and how it works in business. Yeah,

Rachael Ami 35:39

it was my pleasure. And I mean, if sharing human design just can have one tiny impact on someone's life, like, I'm all for it.

Paula Shepherd 35:47

Amazing. All right, everybody. I'll see you next week for another episode of The confidence sessions. Thank you for listening to this episode of the competence sessions. I know there are hundreds of 1000s of podcasts and I'm so grateful that you chose to spend your time today with me. Head on over to the courage forward slash podcast to check out the show notes from today's episode, and grab links to all the amazing goodies mentioned today. If you love this episode, as much as I loved making it, make sure you don't miss out on any future ones by hitting the subscribe button right now. See you next time.

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