Appreciating Your Unique Brilliance to Find the Right Fit Career with DeAnne Pearson

Is work life balance a possibility? We spend A LOT of time working. But are you trying to fit into your sector? Is your job truly a good fit?

Is work life balance a possibility? We spend A LOT of time working. But are you trying to fit into your sector? Or is your job truly a good fit for your life and your values? In today’s episode, DeAnne Pearson, career coach and group facilitator, shares how she supports her clients to make changes towards better careers and better lives! She shares how to make changes based on your values and what truly matters to you, so you can be truly appreciated for the light you bring into your working world.

In this episode we chat about:

  • How Paula & DeAnne first connected, and how it inspired Paula to become a coach.
  • Making your job work for your life, not the other way around.
  • Finding your unconscious expertise.
  • Why we’re seeing the mass exodus/great resignation. 
  • What is work-life balance? 
  • Stepping away from the game of fitting in and grounding into finding a fit.
  • Defining who you are and how you define yourself as a professional.
  • Navigating who you are, not who you thought you should be.
  • The value exchange of the working relationship.

And so much more!

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(02:30) How Paula & DeAnne first connected, and how it inspired Paula to become a coach.

(08:04) Making your job work for your life, not the other way around.

(10:40) Finding your unconscious expertise.

(12:40) Why we’re seeing the mass exodus/great resignation. 

(17:45)  What is work-life balance? 

(22:20) Stepping away from the game of fitting in and grounding into yourself and finding a fit. Stepping out of the approval cycle.

(28:00) Defining who you are and how you define yourself as a professional.

(32:20) Navigating who you are, not who you thought you should be.

(34:00) The value exchange of the working relationship.



work, people, clients, life, career, dan, realise, job, corporate america, professional, coaching, person, mom, coach, feel, thought, cubicle, spend, talking, conversations


DeAnne Pearson, Paula Shepherd

Paula Shepherd  00:01

Hi, I'm Paula Shepherd, I went to college to get a good job and make a lot of money. Back then, no one talked about doing what you love. And while I successfully climbed the corporate ladder, I felt like there was something missing. So I left the seemingly comfortable corporate world at 40 years old for the freedom of full time entrepreneurship. Today, I get to help ambitious women go from entrepreneur to confident CEO of their lives and businesses. I created this podcast to share what I've learned with you to make your journey just a little easier, and to connect you with other incredible business owners who took a chance on themselves and who they are becoming. So whether you're just getting started, are all in for just want to hear a friendly voice. Come on in and sit with us. Now, let's dive in.  Welcome to a super special episode of The confidence sessions. I am thrilled to have with us today Dan Pearson. She has a master's in education and she has over 20 years of experience in group facilitation, coaching and consulting. And over all of these years, she really has loved facilitating and supporting people in their forward change to having a better career and even a better life which we love the holistic viewpoint. She's helped founders of small businesses, large companies hire and operate competently. And she's from Austin, even though we've never met in person. And she lives there with her husband and her two children's are two children's let's start over Rachel, she lives with her husband and two children. And her clients refer to her as the Queen of career turnarounds. Her business, they rely on her for her keen eye for profit planning, customer journey mapping and communication that inspires success. So welcome to the confidence sessions, Dan. Oh, thank you. Wow.

DeAnne Pearson  02:22

Great introduction. Thank you, Paul.

Paula Shepherd  02:24

You're so welcome. I, um, the reason why this is so special to me is because you're the reason I'm a coach, I wasn't a coach, when you met me. And you were you were one of the first people to make me think a little bit differently. And so just a little bit of background for all the listeners, I've told this story a bunch, but I don't know how often I've mentioned Dan's name. But back in oh, gosh, 2019. I have reached out to a couple of networking events and some people there and I was telling them how I was not happy and feeling not feeling fulfilled in my career. And DNS name came up. And so I did what, pretty much everybody does, right. I didn't get an email address, I Facebook softer, messaged her on Facebook. And she responded to me and obviously didn't think I was too crazy. We got on a phone call. And we talked about career coaching. Which honestly, Dan, I thought you were just gonna help me spruce up my resume and find me a job. I didn't even know what it meant. I had no idea what career coaching meant at the time. And yet I said yes. And it was scary as hell because it really was an investment that I had never made in myself before. As a mom, we were talking before we hit record about bologna and cheese sandwiches, right about how we have this fear of as a parent, oh my gosh, I spent all this money on myself, that's a vacation or that's groceries or that's gas in the car. That's a car payment. And so to make that for myself to make that investment in myself was really hard. And then yet here we are, here we are over the course of time, and I am now a certified and credentialed coach. And I feel like I owe almost all of that to you because I would still be in my corporate job if we hadn't have had that initial conversation and relationship.

DeAnne Pearson  04:25

Wow, i My heart is full hearing this. I mean, you and I stay in touch. But I love the fact that when you came to me, you were thinking, Oh, well, you know, she'll help me either go or grow. That's kind of how I think either go to the next thing or you grow where you are. And that's not really what we did. I think, you know, right away. You said I don't I'm not ready to make a change, but something's not working. And so we dove into what's not working and what would work. What does success mean to you at this moment in your life? And are different definitions of success change? And I think that that's what you became really aware of. And it was so fun working with you, I can't believe it's been three years or whatever. So thank you. So I, yeah, a lot of people don't know what career coaching is. But I really do believe it's holistic, it you know, your career, how you spend your workday is where you spend most of your time or then with your family more than sleeping often. And so it really needs to support the life and definition of success and happiness that you have. And it changes over a lifetime. So sometimes you have to make changes, or change is pushed on you. And you have to hit the ground running. So

Paula Shepherd  05:53

yeah, I think when I came to you, most of what I thought was, how do I get to the next thing, I wasn't working in a corporate job that was technical, but I didn't have a technical degree. And so the issue for me at that time was I have all these skills, I have all of the certifications, I have a rockstar resume, and yet no one will hire me because I didn't have the technical degree to back it up. That was the one thing that I was missing. So I didn't have that piece of paper. And for me, that was so frustrating. And I just, I don't even remember how it how it came to pass. But over a series, it wasn't at the beginning of our relationship, but we were together for several months. And I remember at the end of the conversation with you, one day, you said I don't normally say this, but I really think that you are a natural coach, have you ever considered coaching, I don't even I don't even know what that is like, I don't even know what's happening here. I just know that we get on a phone call this was we didn't even get on zoom at the time, we got on a phone call. And I would talk to you. And somehow I always came out of it with really beautiful plans and ideas or feeling much more settled. And it was at that point in time that I just I was like, You know what she said, I would be a natural coach, I'm going to do some research on this. And I have a one track mind. So when I set my mind to something, boom, that's it. That's it. And I dug right in and I figured I didn't have the extra money. But I figured it out, talk to somebody and I was like, I'm going to be certified, I'm going to be credentialed, I'm going to hone in on my craft, that was really important to me. So I You really did like change the entire trajectory of my life. Because otherwise I would still be sitting here thinking, Alright, I'm going to go into my job. I'm sitting here, it's very transactional. I'm fighting the Austin traffic to I'm like crying on the way home, I'm wondering how life could be different. And instead, I got to create this life instead. And it's not easy. You know, being an entrepreneur isn't easy, but it is so fulfilling. And it just feels really powerful to be able to have your day look however you want it to

DeAnne Pearson  08:10

be? Yes, yes, it really is, I have to admit that I have worked from home for a long time, I've created lots of opportunities to work with clients, even during this pandemic of face to face. Through zoom in my life kind of works. Well, it just works. And that was more important to me then how things work at a job or how things and what the company thought or what the career ladder looks like. And what I was hearing in our sessions together as your coach was you having these incredible conversations, and although you wanted to grow and you were stuck with, you know, the wall of not having a technical degree in in a technical career, you're also working really hard to grow your people and to have conversations that would benefit them would benefit the client would be you know, and these were conversations where you were helping them open up. And I think that that is good coaching. So I just kind of called it and said, you know, could you look at it a little bit because you are really you have this really great expansive mindset. And that's what you were looking for. And that's what you wanted for your people in corporate America. And in some ways I think that the organisation wasn't ready for that or wasn't built to be flexible. And so I just saw a lot of possibility for you And

Paula Shepherd  10:00

well, I'm so glad that you did.

DeAnne Pearson  10:04

I glad to because it's been fun. The times we've connected over things or if I see you and I wrote down one of your quotes today about, about, um, you know, you have to be, you have to look at things, you have to be aware of them, you have to, even if it's not the prettiest part of your business or career, because we can't fix or grow past something, if we don't know what it is. And I think that's what we were doing. We were kind of poking around diagnostically, with your career to figure out, you know, what does it look like? What do we want it to look like? What would support the life I want? Yeah, so

Paula Shepherd  10:47

and you did, I mean, you really did help me to look at things in a different way. Because that there's this, I was talking about the unconscious expertise, that we have just this natural thing that we do, that we glaze over, because we're so good at it, we discount it. And I do think that there are a lot of times in a corporate job, or I will just say a nine to five job, you know, any kind of a professional job, teachers medical field, you know, court really corporate jobs, that they're so busy, they're so busy being busy, and following the processes and procedures, that they forget that there are actual human beings that are showing up every single day. And so, you know, I was living in the world of, you know, arbitrary work life balance, which I'm sure a lot of your clients do as well, the first that is work life balance, or the work life balance meant, you know, leadership at the door when you come in. And I don't care if you had a really awful night, or if you're getting a divorce, or if you know, your child just did something and you're having to handle that. I don't care, put that leaf out in your car. And then like, you know, bring your briefcase and and sit in your in your cubicle. And we're gonna live in this cubicle world until five o'clock. And and the impression that people have is, you know, the more that you do that later, you send the email, the earlier you come in, the more recognised you are, and I started to see that as well. And that is not the life that I wanted for myself because I was doing more you get rewarded for the more you do. The the reward is more work. Do you feel like that's what a lot of your clients are coming to you with? Like I am in this transactional kind of robotic world not being treated like,

DeAnne Pearson  12:46

yeah, isn't there a song we live in a cubicle world? Or?

Paula Shepherd  12:50

If there is, I will, I was gonna say if there's not if there is I'm gonna totally link that.

DeAnne Pearson  12:56

Yeah, we should. Um, so I tend to use humour a lot with my client clients. And so sometimes we make up songs about our struggles, so we laugh about them. And I think that the cubicle struggle is real, or just being treated as if you are a cog on the wheel is really is really damaging. Um, but I think it's damaging to corporations, too, because right now we're having a lot of resignations, a lot of people taking career breaks, if you're what they want to do. Um, some, you know, some people are leaving just because they have experienced something different. You know, like, we we talked before we started recording about the mass exodus or the great resignation. And if we can dive into that, what I see is people are some people are leaving bad bosses, beyond bad managers dislike Okay, so this person either wasn't a great manager or wasn't a great manager for remote people. Some people are leaving corporate America because like you said, they realised there was life outside the cubicle. Maybe they worked remote for the last year and a half, and they like it, and they realise, hey, I can be effective. And now that companies are bringing you back on campus or back into the office. They're like, I don't want to go, just doesn't make

Paula Shepherd  14:26

that was me. That was me. I probably, you know, there was a part of me even though I started I had my coaching certification. And you and I had spoken and I felt like I had that there was still that part of me that felt like wow, I'm making a big salary here. I have the benefit. And I have a family to support. You know, I was the breadwinner in the family. And so for me to leave was a big deal. That was a really big deal for me. But what was a bigger deal was driving into an office spending all those hours on the road, Austin traffic sucks if you've never been to Austin, and there's like, there's one way and there's no other direction that you can go, it's heinous. And to drive there, and then the constant stress of like, if I don't leave by this time, this is how long it's going to take me or having to ask permission to take time off to be with your kid. But then being I, you know, in a leadership position was put into a proposal as a key as key personnel. And that meant that I was all the key personnel was going to have to be in the office. Yep, 100% of the time. And I was unwilling to do that. After having the experience of being able to work from home, I was okay, going in one day, a week or even two days a week, but all week was just, it was a non negotiable for me. And, and that, that really was my turning point. And the push for me is that there wasn't a balance that someone wasn't listening to me as a person. And this happens, I've seen this happen with a lot of other people where they think the same thing Well, I have to come in at a certain time I have to leave at a certain time. You know, everybody's already scrutinising me about where, you know, where were you, what did you do you were gone too long for lunch, even though you're a salaried employee. Right,

DeAnne Pearson  16:24

right. Yeah, you know, I, if we can just say, you know, balance the way people have described it, or the the image that pops into most people's heads is that it's equal, you know, like a seesaw or a scale, like the scale of justice, or whatever everything's equal. But really, what you're talking about is it's true. I mean, I think one of the big motivations for me to leave was, my mom was going through breast cancer treatment, we just found out she was having surgery, within three days, I took off time. And I said, you know, I'm going to be at the hospital most of the time, and I'm in a rural area, so we won't be Excuse me. Take a sip. My mom was in a very unwell, she lived in a very small town. So I said, you know, you'll be able to reach me during that time, because we'll be at the hospital, and it'll be a small town. And my, my boss just said, You mean, there's no cell service in that whole town? It's like he didn't get, and I was only in the office three days a week. So it's like, oh, my gosh, he and one of the other women said, Did you get the part where her mom has breast cancer? Did you get that part at all? And kind of dressed him down? But it was think it really Yeah, but my knee jerk reaction, having the cubicle mindset at that time, was, oh, my gosh, I've got to figure out how to work and support my mom. And it was just kind of a ridiculous situation. So when I explain life balance with clients, I explained it as we need to figure out what's most important to you, you know, your core values, I call it five to thrive, you know, let's come up with your top five. And let's make it not balance as in yes or no, or, you know, any of that seesaw stuff, it's more like a stereo, where you know, fancy cereal, where you get to adjust the, you know, the bass, the treble, the, the the volume for your own happiness, that's what we need to do. So if that means working remote, then some people are leaving remote or leaving offices, because they want to work remote, full time. They want that flexibility, they either want to you know, they want to travel and work from anywhere, or they have a family like you and I do and they they want to be available. They don't want to spend an hour and a half in traffic in whatever city they're in, like Austin. And so they're adjusting how work works for them. And I think that's super important. But again, it's personal. So I've also had clients recently in this mass resignation, as they call it, um, who have had the opposite reaction. They didn't like remote, it wasn't enough stimulation for them, they love their team, and they want to get back to it. Um, and maybe their company isn't bringing them back on. You know, they're not bringing them back on site. And so they're looking for something different because remote doesn't work for them. They don't thrive that way. Then I've had other people leave their their work during this time because they found out that they love the task, but they didn't like the team. You know, they love what they do. And sometimes those people are set up for entrepreneurism or consulting. Because the thing that people I think, don't get about being an entrepreneur is whatever that is that you're good at and that you love about being an entrepreneur about the work. You do it a lot. Yeah, it is a little bit repetitive. And you do get to choose, you know what you do, but you do it a lot. So if somebody loves a task, and they get really good at it, sometimes they become entrepreneurs. So it's very interesting. There's lots of reasons to adjust, change, leave your current employment. And sometimes it leaves you so

Paula Shepherd  20:37

and sometimes it leaves you I think there's there's even some times that. I don't know, I think and I know that you talked about this before about this whole concept of, you know, oh, there's a plan A and then there's a plan B. But it doesn't have to be that rigid either and being comfortable and competent enough to answer ask the questions, right and not even ask the questions of everyone else, but to ask the question of yourself to see okay, what do you even want because sometimes we get in complainer mode. I was in complainer mode. When I met you. I was in the woe is me world. And I wonder if a lot of your clients come that way, where they're like, shit is just not working out for me. I've sent out the resume, I don't want to be here. I'm too old for this. I, you know, they nobody wants to hire me, there's younger people coming in, they're gonna work for last. And they can spend more money or more time because they don't have kids or they don't have a family. And so we start to like, I don't know, we start to try to fit in to what the organisation wants and keep up with what their expectations are, even though those expectations continue to mount. And you know, the reward for doing a good job is more work. And it's like, you can never you never can. You never can be successful in their eyes. So it's hard to define success on your own, when you've always been set to this annual performance review where someone else looks at what you've said you want to do, and they're like, No, add this goal to and you're like, but I don't want to do that goal. And they're like, no, but we want you to do you, do you feel like that there are people that come to you that are in that spot where they feel like, well, it's this either or situation? And I don't even know how I would get out of where I am.

DeAnne Pearson  22:36

Yes, definitely. I and, you know, you get really good at playing the game of, as you said, fitting in, I talk a lot with my clients about fitting in, versus finding out more about yourself getting grounded and finding a fit, whatever that might look like. And the you know, people get in this approval cycle of moving up the corporate ladder, or getting the next gig for consulting. And you know, that they're so busy climbing that ladder running after that deal that they leave themselves behind often. So we've spent a lot of time when I think of Plan A it's not like being inflexible, or shooting to the top of the career ladder, it's more about awareness. And actions that come from knowing who you are, you know, putting your attention and your adjustment, your appreciation, Your aspirations, all the A words I kind of follow this plan a model that I use, and it's about creating the authentic fit for your work and your life. And, and to do that you have to kind of slow down and look at what what you want to do for those hours during the day that we call work. And does that do those hours support the life you want? Like do you really want to spend an hour and a half in traffic every day? You know what is possible during that hour and a half that you could be doing something else or connecting better? And you know what, what else is there that would light you up make you happy and make the life you want possible? Another incident with with bosses, I know that one of the things I've done and I still do from for companies sometimes is the outplacement services after they've released a group of people and I kind of you know, if you've seen it in movies, it's not that way. Basically, I am helping people who've just had their, you know, job, you know, pulled out from under them. And I'm really good at it. I don't know, a lot. It's not my favourite thing to do. It's very emotional time for people. But one of the things that people noticed was that my clients in my classrooms in my presentations, were laughing and loud or whatever. And I'm pretty loud, to be honest. But I knew that there was a lot of motion in my, in my groups when I was doing outplacement and, and sometimes I would just say, Okay, we were just going to get get this out, and we're going to get up and move around, we're going to, you know, get some of this tension out of the room so we can get to work on what we want next for your career. And my boss said, you know, y'all are really loud. You're laughing, it was not even 10 o'clock in the morning, y'all started at nine, what's going on in there? Oh, well, you know, they need to release a lot of emotion, or they weren't going to get anywhere. And so it was either cry or laugh. And so I just provide space for that. And he just looked at me and he said, Dan, not everybody gets you. And I, I just said, Yeah, but I don't want to work with everybody. You know, and that's the thing I was looking for. It just doesn't take that many people that get you, for you to be happy for you to be successful. And when you're trying to blend in, you get lost. So yeah, my clients still laugh a lot. I'm still loud.

Paula Shepherd  26:46

So Me too, I'm loud and goofy and say a lot of bad words. But I think it's cool. I always also say, you know, I can I'm kind and I'm genuine. But I'm also direct. And I do think that that's important. I don't know that that was, um, that wasn't something that was always appreciated in my corporate job. Because, you know, people are asked to, to sit, sit down and not speak up. And there's, there's also this kind of this immersiveness, like this merger integration between management and leadership, I know those terms were always interchanged. And yet, I felt like everyone was a leader, like everyone had the ability to lead in some way. And seeing it from that perspective, changes the way that you look at people's jobs versus than being a you could see me right now being an individual contributor. And thinking that in order for you to be a leader, you have to have a specific title, or show up in a certain place on the org chart, or you have to, you have to do X, I can't even there's like so many arbitrary things that just kind of came up that had that really encouraged people to play small, and also to want to escape the job that they're in. Because for those same reasons, when I started working with you, and you know, it took me a long time after because visit, there's a deconditioning process. Yeah, I was a mom and an employee and a wife, and I was everybody. And when some if somebody would ask me, Well, who I am, or, you know, describe myself, I couldn't do that without describing who I was to someone else. And therein lies the problem, right? You can't go get another job. You can't, you can't expand as a person or in your professional life, in my personal opinion and experience. If you don't know who you are, you're just you're just perpetuating the doing and the being busy, which I've felt like was a lot of the if patriarchal, quote, professional world, which is really not even professional was more conservatism. Yeah, you know, people being conservative versus being professional. So when someone always says to me, like, professionals, I asked them to describe to me what they mean by professional, because I was a professional when I showed up in my suit, and my, you know, nude lip gloss, and that in my office and said the right things and was polite, and bit my tongue and, you know, was politically correct. But I'm also a professional now being direct with a nose ring and bright red lipstick and leopard. Like, I'm still a professional. And so I had to change the way I saw myself in order for people around me to see me differently and not just like me, I think before I really wanted to be liked. Now I just want to be respected. Hmm, Mm

DeAnne Pearson  29:51

hmm. I think that recalling us working together I think it was three or four meetings sessions before we got to The leopard print. Before we got to the part where you said, oh, what I really want to say is this. And who I really am is this. I mean, it's like kind of the trust building between the two of us. And I think that there aren't that many places in corporate America where you can truly be yourself, you know, where you can truly, there still is that expectation, like you said, to be buttoned up and to have the suit on and I say, I'm allergic to pinstripe suits, you know, I am just not that person, you know, I have a red jacket and red pants. And if you see me somewhere, I'm probably going to be the most colourful person in the room. And, you know, that is kind of a warning sign. Guess what, Dan's here? And, yeah, and it's not that I mean, to overwhelm anybody or anything like that. It's not about them. And thank God, it's not about anybody else is that I'm god, it's who I am. I have bright red hair. I wear a red suit. And guess what, here I am? And you know, maybe like me, maybe you don't. But I think that that's that whole idea that we have to wear. The corporate uniform was something that I couldn't get on board with. Or couldn't stay on board with for sure.

Paula Shepherd  31:31

Well, apparently, I couldn't either. So here I am. Yeah, I do love work. I love it. I love working with teams now. And I think, you know, was able to see what what do I really love doing that I'm not allowed to do here, or there isn't a position for me to do here. And instead of looking at it, as there's no place for me to go or grow into, I was like, well, I'll just create that. So I'll create, I'll create the company I always wanted to work for. And that's kind of been my mantra, like, I'm creating the business I always wanted to work for although I have to do things that I don't, that I don't always want to do, because that's what you do as an entrepreneur, right? But I love that I love that I get to I get to do that I get to mess up and I get to see the other side of things. And I get to have hard conversations. And I say I get to, because I'm because that is part of this. So but I I love, I love the fact that you see people in a light when they come to work with you as not just this transactional. Because when I hear career coaching sometimes, obviously, the first thing I thought like I said, what she's going to help me with my resume, and I'm going to get another job and I'm going to get the hell out of dodge. Right. But but really a new title. Yeah, but I just, um, sometimes I think there's, there's such power in words, and the way that people see things, and I love how I could come to you and that your clients come to you with this idea of what they think is going to happen. And then over time this bubble burst, because you do you do help connect them with their brilliance, right? And you help them you don't tell them what to do. Right? You you lead them in a way that helps them helps the light bulb go off. And, you know, now, thanks to you, I get to do that same thing with my clients and be a true coach. I would you know, what do you feel like, when people come to you? What, what do you feel like is the number one non financial result that they get when they come to you like when they leave when this when your time with them is over the partnership is done. The co creation has ended. What do they step away with?

DeAnne Pearson  33:55

I feel like they step away the clear understanding that they are the captain of their ship or they are the that they have? You know, I kind of feel that's a good one. Okay, let me think. I think there's some navigation they can do based on who they are truly not who they thought they should be, or what they've tolerated. And I think of each person as just being unique. A uniquely brilliant person, I had coffee with a client recently. And, you know, he isn't a career where he's seeking VP roles. And he was just like, I love your brain. I'm kind of a zombie like a zombie. I love brains, like your brain works different than my brain differently than my brain. Um, and I just love to see them realise that what they do Well, naturally, their talents, their passion, how they're motivated, how they're wired, the things they've learned, are valuable. They just need to find that relationship with work. That value that offers the value back that exchanges the value. Um, me being funny in corporate America was not the best fit at times. But my clients appreciate that in me. So as I left corporate America, I just thought, wow, there are a few people who get me. And that's what I offer my clients is. Hey, Paula, you're uniquely brilliant. You're awesome. Lee valuable out there. Let's figure out you get to

Paula Shepherd  35:57

look like such a human. That's that's the thing, right? Being a human being able to laugh, being able to not bring any preconceived notions to the table and just seeing what opens up.

DeAnne Pearson  36:12

Right, right. Yeah. And do my clients have financial results? Yes. But you know, I was talking to a client a few years ago, who has been a client off and on. And he was like, you know, this means this change means that I get to buy a house in that's not an easy thing in California, that allows me to start a family if I want to, because of the changes that we made, in how he approached work, and how he approached companies and that sort of thing. Other clients have gone on and say, I want to pick this one thing I really, really love, and turn it into a business. And I don't want to do these things over here. So we figure out, you know, which parts they have to do, because there's always a little sucky bit of any job or business. For me, it's a counting, so I have handed that off to someone. But, yeah, we figure out how do we find our people? What tribe will only accept us but appreciate us who wants to be tolerated, we want to be celebrated. We need to find those people the value that whether they're clients or a company.

Paula Shepherd  37:30

And I would argue that you do that by learning to be yourself, like you said, tapping back into who you are, even if you feel like you've lost yourself and taking all the hats off tossing them in the garbage. Like, you know, realising you don't hear any of them, dusting yourself off. I mean, that's what I'm good at that people

DeAnne Pearson  37:53

pay me for asking questions, listening, being loud and ridiculously awesome. Awesome. Awesome. I must say authentic, but awesome, I think. Thank you. Um, those are the things I went to the principal's office for, you know, talking too much asking too many questions. That's truly me. So sometimes I asked my clients, you know, what do we need to dust off on this road of life that is keeping you from shiny?

Paula Shepherd  38:23

Hmm. Oh, I love that question. So I'm gonna just pose that to the audience here. Just think about that. As we're kind of wrapping up, you know, what, what could you you know, dust off, and let go of that's keeping you from shining. I think that's such a simple, yet powerful question. Thanks. So Dan, I am so grateful that you came into my life. I'm so so grateful to continue this relationship with you, and to have you share your expertise and your hilarious with with our audience today. So if you are looking, if anyone here is looking for someone to help them in their career, to design the life they want, and make sure that their work supports that desire that you deserve, then definitely reach out to Deanne. I will link all of her social links into the show notes and be sure to connect with her. Also on our website at deliberate So Dan, thank you so much for being here.

DeAnne Pearson  39:40

Oh, thank you. Paul is so good to hear your voice and we will meet one day I'm hugging the microphone. You can't see it but I'm hugging

Paula Shepherd  39:47

you right back. How can you write that? Thank you for listening to this episode of The confidence session. I know there are Hundreds of 1000s of podcasts. And I'm so grateful that you chose to spend your time today with me. Head on over to be fearless with forward slash podcast to check out the show notes from today's episode and grab links to all the amazing goodies mentioned today. Also, if you loved this episode as much as I loved making it, make sure you don't miss any future ones by hitting the subscribe button right now. See you next time.

Categories: Leadership, Mindset, Podcast

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