Aligning with Your Human Design in Business with Rachael Ami

We discuss how “busy-ness” is not creating success for you and how you get to redefine what working looks like for you using Human Design.

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Are you building your business in a sustainable way that feels good? Or do you feel like you’re constantly pushing for me just as you did in your corporate career? In today’s episode we chat to Rachael Ami, alignment coach and resident Human Design expert at The Courage Blueprint, about creating an intuitive business. We discuss how “busy-ness” is not creating success for you and how you get to redefine what working looks like for you!

In this episode we chat about:

  • That Human Design isn’t just a phase!
  • Why you may intuitively resist Human Design
  • How feeling good helps you feel powerful
  • Injecting more goodness into your days
  • Shifting your focus to impact and quality.
  • Human development and the addiction to being busy
  • Where to start with Human Design without the overwhelm for Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors.
  • Trusting your natural talents

And so much more!

Listen to the Human Design for Beginners podcast where Rachael dives into Paula’s chart and shares the must knows to get started with Human Design.

Connect with Rachael!


(01:50) Why Human Design isn’t just a phase and why it feels so good. 

(04:05) Why you may intuitively resist Human Design. 

(04:30) Why feeling good helps you feel powerful and how to inject more goodness into your days.

(07:45) The Human Design invitation to be present, right now.

(10:16) Why “busy-ness” does not create success and shifting your focus to impact and quality.

(12:45) How corporate mentality may be damaging your business and how Human Design can help.

(13:47) Human development from as little as needed to an addiction to being busy and proving you’re good enough - the heart center conditioning.

(15:30) How the online space creates unnecessary rules and damaging comparisons.

(17:48) Where to start with Human Design without the overwhelm for Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors.

(19:30) Showing up powerfully, rather than consistently. 

(22:00) Trusting what comes naturally to you is what you should be sharing.

(24:00) Paula shares how the more she trusts her energy to feel more fulfilled in business.

(26:20) Human Design is a deep trust in your body and yourself in  this moment. 

(28:00) Being aware of how we are conditioned and conditioning others  by noticing the phrases, words and stories we share with others.  

(29:44) Trust is the most powerful thing you can hold and allowing yourself to be supported.  

(31:50) Using Human Design to start 2022 strong, aligned and without burn out. 



feel, human, design, people, clients, create, pushing, energy, sacral, life, programmes, conditioning, business, learning, projector, day, supported, work, coffee, moment


Rachael Ami, Paula Shepherd

Paula Shepherd  00:01

Hi, I'm Paula Shepherd, I went to college to get a good job and make a lot of money. Back then, no one talked about doing what you love. And while I successfully climbed the corporate ladder, I felt like there was something missing. So I left the seemingly comfortable corporate world at 40 years old for the freedom of full time entrepreneurship. Today, I get to help ambitious women go from entrepreneur to confident CEO of their lives and businesses. I created this podcast to share what I've learned with you to make your journey just a little easier, and to connect you with other incredible business owners who took a chance on themselves and who they are becoming. So whether you're just getting started, are all in for just want to hear a friendly voice. Come on in and sit with us. Now, let's dive in. All right, welcome to our first episode of 2022. I am thrilled to have with me today, alignment coach, human design expert, and CO coach as part of the courage blueprint team. Rachel? Amy, welcome.

Rachael Ami  01:23

Hi, Paula.

Paula Shepherd  01:25

I'm always excited to talk to you.

Rachael Ami  01:27

I know we could do this all day, every day really couldn't be, we've already

Paula Shepherd  01:30

had to make sure that we have a time limit here because we could have this conversation all day. And the reason why is because it's important. I've learned a lot from you. And I know that our clients have learned a lot from you as well. Human Design is at first I kind of thought it was a fad. I really did think it was like a Myers Briggs kind of personality test thing. You take the quiz, it reminded me of the old school kind of team bop. I'm literally literally ageing myself here. And but I love quizzes. And so I thought that that was what this was about. So for those audience, or listeners who are first learning about human design here today, what would you how would you describe human design? How would you describe it to them?

Rachael Ami  02:26

Yeah, I think that's a really great question. Because it is a very intricate system, there are lots of things going on. But to really differentiate it from all those other things, whereas those are personality types, they're very subjective to who you are and how you're feeling that day, you know what stage of life you're in phase you're in. Whereas Human Design is an energy type thing. So it's based upon the time, date and location of your birth. So regardless of what season of life you're in, or how you're feeling or whether you've just broken up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, it is always going to be the same. So there is nothing about your personality that goes into it, it just is. And that's why it's so so powerful, because it never changes. The majority of human design lives in your body. It's how your body moves through the world with the most ease and the most alignment. And that's why it feels so good to be in your human design. Because it isn't about your thoughts and your emotions. It's about your body. It's about your body feeling good, moving through the world in a way that it was made to move through the world.

Paula Shepherd  03:32

Do you see a lot of resistance though, because that ease for at least for me wasn't. It wasn't very intuitive, because I was still being conditioned by what I had learned over time in business and my life and the way that I operated that other people wanted me to do and then all of a sudden it was Oh, almost permission to be yourself. And I had no idea what that really felt like. So for me there felt like a lot of resistance. Do you see this a lot in our clients or other people that you work with?

Rachael Ami  04:05

Yeah, absolutely. As much as it is. It's your body. It's meant to be intuitive. Like we don't always know what intuitive is, you know, we're taught life is difficult, and that it's a struggle, and that you've got to work really hard and that you've got to hustle. And then to fall into the world of human design or get a human design reading where experts like me are telling you, you just have to do things that feel good. In order to have a life that you love and for the things that you want to come to you. People are like what are you talking about? Like you can't just do things that feel good. But then more and more that you trust in yourself and you follow your body and you put yourself in situations that feel good. You will feel more powerful in yourself in feeling good. And then you start to remove yourself from situations that don't feel good. And really create a vacuum for more goodness to enter into your life. So I think there is a lot of resistance because on the base of it, and we're like, just do things that feel good. It's like, Don't be stupid, like, you can't do that. But you really can, you know, and it's not about, I'm never going to tell you, you know, to quit your job and leave your relationship and move across the world, like, immediately, you do want to do that great. I'm also all for it. But it's about finding those little pieces of what joy and what goodness and wholesomeness feel like in your life. So that might start at the beginning is just sitting quietly and drinking coffee for 10 minutes a day, maybe you'd normally take your coffee and go straight to work, but just sit with that coffee, smell it just feel the goodness of just being with your coffee for 10 minutes a day, you know, it's about taking a bath, instead of a shower, it's about going for a walk on your lunch break, rather than sitting on Netflix, and really beginning to just allow this goodness to accumulate. And that feeling of kind of like ease and goodness becomes more comfortable. And then you can take it into those bigger decisions of you know, changing careers and changing relationships and friendships and, you know, confronting family members from that place of already knowing what goodness feels like in your body. I feel like that might have been a bit of a tangent, polar, but I hope that was almost answered the

Paula Shepherd  06:13

question that totally did and, and honestly, it really brought up for me some of the things that I do in the morning, because I do get my coffee, and I intentionally wake up very early. And make sure that if my body doesn't intuitively now, but you know, I make sure that I have that time to myself, and it doesn't feel like a half, two, it feels like oh my gosh, I love these moments. I love getting up this early. I love sitting here, I love having my coffee in my hand and journaling, or even just sitting and being mindful for a moment. And those are the small moments that really do frame out the whole rest of our day. And create some habits, right and some structure for us to do it on a bigger scale the way that you were just mentioning, regarding you know how to make those decisions, or considering our relationships and all of those things. Because we do as you know, society, and also as people, especially our clients who are very highly ambitious and high achievers, we try to jump to that, like that next thing we really were reaching really far, instead of looking for the things that are right in front of us, and how can those things bring us joy? So I don't think you went off on a tangent at all, I think these are things that we need to think about. I think it's set of people thinking bigger, I think it's important for us to initially think smaller.

Rachael Ami  07:39

Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's another beautiful invitation in human design is like it's really to be here. And now. There are so many things in our life that we're forced, you know, look six months ahead, or a year or five years ahead, whatever it is, or even we're looking into the past, but your body being the vessel that you know, carries you through the world, it's only right here in this moment. It's never in yesterday, it's never a year in the future. It's right here. And we really get ourselves into sticky situations, because we're constantly making decisions about how we think or, you know, assume we're going to feel at XYZ time in the future, forgetting that how we feel now is the most important and how your body feels now is the most important, and bringing that focus back on to what am I doing now, especially in business, you can get so wrapped up in, you know what's coming, or what you want to come. But you really forget to just focus on right now. What am I doing right now? How am I building this business in a way that's wholesome and aligned for me right now? Knowing that, you know, in the most practical sense, like right now is the only moment that you really have everything else is just a story apart from right now.

Paula Shepherd  08:54

Okay, which leads me to considering when people are starting businesses, or even right now, you know, they're at the beginning of the year, and they're setting these really big, hairy, scary, impossible goals for themselves in a good way I say impossible. Like we have to put some things out there and stretch. But what they know about themselves is, what the year before was or what things didn't work for them in the past. And so what they're doing, at least this is I'm going to speak from experience. What happens is we start to consider all the things that we didn't do well and we want to fix all of that, instead of looking at what do we know of ourselves as a person and this is where human design at least for me has been incredibly crucial and almost a little uncomfortable because it's it's having me do things in a way that is does feel really natural, but it doesn't always feel all of the time. So you know, being in my business, hitting those next levels. Doing those things that that make me feel more like a CEO or more like a really great leader actually require less effort on my part. That's a strange feeling.

Rachael Ami  10:16

Yeah, it definitely is. And I think it comes down to the conditioning. And obviously the differences in the types that we have, too. So if you haven't listened to our human design, 101 podcast, definitely go back and check that out. But depending on your human design type, you are here to exist and to move through the world differently. And that comes down to business as well, too. So there's a lot of, I gotta say, generating conditioning, but also what we have is kind of very toxic conditioning to, like we are taught that busyness equals success, you know, by taking your day and filling it with activities, you will be successful. But part of really embodying your human design that's so beautiful, is it's not about how much you're doing. But it's about How little you're doing in a really impactful way. So we always encourage people to look at those 4000 things that you're doing in your business, and just really asking which of these you really hate doing, that don't have to be done. And this can often be some social media platforms that you hate, but you're showing upon because you feel like you should. And really coming back to if you took all that energy from doing something that you don't want to do, and put it either into taking time to be creative, taking time to meditate and be with yourself, or putting that energy onto one of the platforms, you do enjoy being it being on how much more impactful and what sort of quality are you then going to put out when you're not trying to spread yourself so thin in the name of just doing more things?

Paula Shepherd  11:54

And then it doesn't work? And then you shame yourself. And then you take a giant step back. And you think Well, should I be doing this? Or should I quit it. And honestly, I think it creates not just more pressure. But it also creates that, you know, feast and famine mentality, that whole roller coaster, not even the thrill of it, but more of the like, holy shit what's going on here, I'm about to take a nosedive. And we have no idea where we really go from that point. So I feel like gaining a knowledge, this knowledge around how we should proceed using our type and strategy and the energy around that is really important. I really want to pause here for a second and just make let people know that the reason this is so important to me is because I did come from corporate and my internal inclination is to push is to stretch is to fill every hour of the day. So to work a couple of hours a day. And to get that result. Even if I made a sale, even if I brought several new clients in that week. It was never enough. And it wasn't enough because there were still more hours in the day. So in my mind, there was more to be done. And this is this goes beyond celebrating this goes beyond, you know, encouraging your yourself to kind of slow down and celebrate your wins. But it was understanding the why behind it. And really figuring out okay, how, how am I designed? And what is the best thing for me. So

Rachael Ami  13:39

when I just interrupt you there,

Paula Shepherd  13:41

oh my god. Of course, obviously,

Rachael Ami  13:43

I just kind of want to interrupt with just the whole idea that this 40 hour workweek is very, very recent. And the way we work as humans is a very recent development. If you look back historically, at human beings, we have always done as little as possible to fulfil our needs, you know, like Neanderthal times, they weren't going to kill every animal they came across just because they could so they could feel busy, they would kill the one and then they'd eat it. And then when it was done, then they would go get another one, right. And this speaks directly to kind of the ego or the heart centred conditioning, where we've moved from that doing the least we need to do to doing more than we like even have the capacity do to do in order to prove that we're good enough. So when you're sitting as an entrepreneur, and you've worked for two hours and you know made one sale, and then go and have a cup of coffee and sit on a sofa, you only have this need to work more because we've been conditioned to it's actually very unnatural, as a human to do more than you need to do which is realistically when we think about it, that's what we're doing all day every day. We work eight hours because we feel like we have to like you could get all your work done in an hour, even in corporate, but you'll find things to fill those seven Have an hours because you feel like you should. And part of human design, especially as an entrepreneur is really coming back to I've done either one what I needed to do today, to what I feel really good having done, or three as much as I had the energy to do today, and choosing one of those things to be where you're at. And again, not, not depending on the day, rather than, Oh, I work from nine to four today.

Paula Shepherd  15:26

Right. And oh my gosh, I like so much is coming up for me here because I everyone is doing this. And I think online, this whole social media really perpetuates our competitive nature, particularly again, for the types of clients that we work with who are used to, they've got, they've got doctorates, they've got college degrees, they care about learning, they care about honing their craft, it's not just they care about making a change, a big change in the world. And so in order to do that, there's this concept of more, and it's not just have more sales, more stuff, more hours in the day, it's more impact around who they are as a person. And underneath of that is is this concept of enoughness. This idea of enoughness. And online is telling us certain things like when you should and shouldn't work. And we start to think well, it's not working for us, I'm working more hours than I should, what am I doing wrong? Why is it working for her? Or why am I working on a Saturday or Sunday? Well, you know, what, maybe Saturday and Sunday work better for you than Monday and Tuesday who said that that's a weekend. Yes. And it was a weekend when you worked a nine to five Monday through Friday job. But you don't work that anymore. Some of you work two hours a day, seven days a week. And that just feels so much better to you. And I definitely think that I've had a lot of shifts, as I've started to understand more about my human design, which I'm a projector and an emotional authority. Right? So for me, and I had a lot of open setters too. So a lot taking in a lot of stuff from other people. And that can feel like a lot for people. So let's let I know we have a whole episode, like Rachel mentioned on human design 101. If you want to go back and listen to that, we talked a lot about mine, my projector Enos as an example. But how let's talk a little bit about how we work with people in in our programmes. One from the start of here's what your human design looks like? And what happens when we notice that they're veering off from their alignment.

Rachael Ami  17:47

Yeah, I think it's so important. And I always say if you learn nothing else about your human design, like just learn your type, and your strategy like that, in itself is powerful enough to, you know, lead you down the path that you should have always kind of been on. But I think the biggest thing for us is it talks to energy levels, you know, it talks to how much are you here to work, if you have a defined sacral, then you do have more consistent energy to put out every day, if you are doing the things that light you up. So for our sacral beings, which are generator and manifesting generators, we're always checking in on them, like, do you like doing this? Does this bring you joy does this excite you is what you're doing, giving you more of that energy to pour out into the world. Because if it's not as a generator, then that probably isn't where you should be putting your energy. You know, the things that make generators. So beautiful, is the fact that the when they put energy into things that light them up, they create more and more energy and so most inspiring energy to be around. So if they're in business, and they're doing things that aren't making them feel that way, they're doing themselves a disservice, right? Because they're not allowing themselves to create that energy that does magnetise their clients to them. Then we'll move to our non sacral. So our projectors manifest as we don't have any reflect clients, but also reflectors. It's really a more focus on how little can you do every day in order to feel like you've moved the needle forward to feel like you're making changes in the right direction, and moving them away from feeling every spare moment of every day. Because they feel they have to and really bringing them back to how can you show up really powerfully. So with projectors, especially it's asking Where do you really feel like your very natural skills are recognised, you know, who celebrates you for the beauty and wisdom that you have? And where are you really pushing to be seen and celebrated. And again, just like with the social media example, taking that energy from where you're pushing, and putting it into somewhere that it's already being recognised allows you to make so much more of an impact. With mana. festers, obviously, it's like where do you feel free to do the things that you want to do? Where do you have that autonomy to create or not create, depending on what you want, especially with manifestos kind of their strategy is a bit more kind of like woowoo and spiritual. And it's really about where are you creating the freedom to do what you want, it's less about strategy and for manifest is really about showing up as the fullest expression of themselves as and when they feel like doing it. Does that make sense?

Paula Shepherd  20:31

It totally makes sense. Because we see this, I'll give a really good example. So you know, we have a client who was trying to do things in a way where she was, you know, getting online, setting up the funnels, doing all the things, and she knew how to do it, and she was great at doing it. But coming from it from a more structural standpoint of I'm gonna do all these things in the background, to try to get people to have a conversation with me instead of how she was more naturally designed. And without going into her whole chart and all of that, having that conversation with her. And having her recognise what actually felt so much more natural and better for her resulted in a client right away. A an event that felt really beautiful and poignant where she laughed with people, and she connected with people on a really great level, and another potential client to sign with her at the beginning of this year. So that felt really easy. Whereas before, it was a lot of pushing in the funnel and the emails and why aren't people signing up? And why aren't why are people unsubscribing and, and all of these things, which I've been there, I've we've I think we've all been there at some level, but for her to realise for to be able to bring her back to what really works for you, and what really feels good. And have her go, oh, well, that that actually was a lot easier than I thought. It's like, we don't think that we can celebrate or reward ourselves if it wasn't really fucking hard to get there.

Rachael Ami  22:12

Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's one of the biggest things like one of the biggest pieces of resistance in human design is coming back to what comes really naturally for you, is probably the thing that you should be doing and sharing. And that comes from that corporate kind of conditioning of working and pushing and doing and hustle. But how about if those skills that you naturally have the skills that you're here to share? Like when you think about it, it's like, Well, duh, that obviously makes sense. The things that I'm good at are the things that I should be doing. But when you first step into that, because it feels easy, and because we're not used to it, feeling easy. It seems to, you know, not make sense. But again, the more you do it, and so much with human designers in the experiment of sitting in it, and being in it and doing it, in order to give yourself evidence that you know, I deserve to feel good, I deserve to make decisions that feel good. I deserve to create in a way that feels good. And when I feel good, everyone around me feels good. And another example that I've got to share with everyone polar is polar as a projector needing more physical rest than the generator types. And I'm constantly saying, go take a nap little projector, go take a bath, go take a walk, because Paula from her corporate positioning has a tendency to, you know, push. And one more thing, one more cool, one more email. But I know we've both experienced, the more you allow yourself to stop and arrest, the more powerfully you can show up the next day or you know, two hours later.

Paula Shepherd  23:49

Actually, this is a really great point. And I will say that the more I lean into how I should be moving forward based on who I am. And my design, right and my strategy, the less work I feel like I'm doing. And yet the more fulfilling it is. Now when I say the more fulfilling I don't always mean that that's monetary. Sometimes that's holy crap, I have a new idea. Wow. Or why am I doing this programme this way? Or maybe I should shift and do this other thing. I start to find this creative space for myself that I don't otherwise give myself the grace to have because I am pushing to fill the hours because we're used to you have to be working don't take a break. Or you only get this amount of a break. And now we have to completely we're taking that string and we're totally unravelling it and creating this entirely new story and concept for ourselves moving forward which is really really difficult. Considering a lot of our clients are more midlife, so, you know, 35 to 50 or older, right? People who have been part of a workforce before. And you don't I mean, we don't know. I mean, even in college, this is what you're taught, right? You have to study, you got to do all the things, you have to, you know, got to work really hard work really hard. And I've caught myself actually having to not say that to my kids, you know, so my kids that are in high school, instead of saying, like, work hard today, you know, I'm like, have a great day. All right, do your best today, or that kind of thing, because our best is different in every moment, right? So I just, I had to start learning, and understanding and observing and being curious about how I was not allowing myself to simply be in my highest and most aligned state, that might sound a little woowoo. But it's true that my success, my most successful weeks, moments, days, financial and non financial have come when I don't feel like I'm pushing and forcing something to happen.

Rachael Ami  26:20

Yeah, and I think that's the point. And it all comes down at the end of the day. And the base of human design is that you deserve to trust your body, you deserve to trust in yourself. And when you do come into that trust, and every moment, and you get to feel good, and you stop pushing and doing those things, that's when life becomes easier. You know, we have this again, tendency to always think about the future, the money, we're going to make the things we're going to do. But if you feel really shitty every day, up until that point, wasn't even worth it, I'm really coming back into the idea that if I can feel good today, I can feel good. You know, tomorrow, when I'm in tomorrow, you're gonna have a really great life, because the future is just, you know, an accumulation of those present moment, moments. And if you allow yourself that trust, to feel good in every moment, good things do just come to you. And again, that's starting to sound a bit like spiritual. But when you're having a good day, good things come into your environment, good things and to your life, good people show up. And it's really permission to feel good, and do things that feel good every day. Knowing that that is going to create success, really removing yourself from that idea of pushing and hard work and more. And coming back to the idea of quality and dedication. And real just like calm and safety in whatever you're doing. Because that really allows you to create this expansive energy that you can invite those other things into your life. And I just wanted to say one more thing, too, when you said the things you say to your kids, I think that's a really good point, like listen to the things that you're saying. Because that will show you your conditioning and your stories. Even those ones that you say, Oh, I, you know, I've, I've got over that, like I've done the work, it's not there anymore. But you're find yourself saying like, Oh, yeah, work hard today, or, well, that's super expensive, like, you know, who would even waste money on that, really pay attention to those things that you're saying to other people, because they are highlighting those stories that you're still carrying around with you.

Paula Shepherd  28:33

That's the way and it's about for me it was about not being a hypocrite. You know, it's great that I'm doing it. But I'm raising this whole other generation of people of, you know, tiny humans who are going to move forward, I want to give them the opportunity to do things differently than I have. So they don't have to go through this deconditioning process. So they do look at things and go like, wow, that's a really amazing experience. I'm totally going to do that. I'm going to figure it out, versus Oh, that's a lot of money. Or, oh, my gosh, you know, this is too hard. Or how could I approach this a little bit differently to make this easier? For myself? You know, you said something a little bit ago about how this is all about trusting yourself and trusting your body. And I think one of the most poignant things for me, in starting my business and what I see in all of our clients is that when they learn how to trust themselves, it becomes so much less about the money that they make, and so much more about the freedom that they have.

Rachael Ami  29:43

Yeah, absolutely. It is about that. And I think if you're if you can trust yourself in this moment, you hold that trust for the future. You say, I believe that I deserve to do what feels good now. You're also saying to the universe that I believe If that whatever is coming, my needs will be met, that I will be taken care of. And really releasing the idea that I have to work really hard and do all these things in order to be supported. And accepting that when I do things that feel really good, I naturally give back to the community to the collective at large, and I will be supported. And it's a completely different look on money and support and finances. Not saying that, you know, I'm just gonna eat biscuits and watch Netflix and, you know, I will be supported by saying when I show up as my fullest self, and do that in an energy that feels good, I trust that I don't have to struggle anymore. And really releasing that existence and trusting that things you will be supported. And we have evidence in our clients and ourselves. That when you trust in yourself, maybe you don't make you know, 1000 sales next month. But things like you get refunds, you get tax returns, you get checks coming in that you weren't expected, because you allowing yourself to be supported. And it comes you could never like, predict where it's coming from, you didn't know it was coming. But you get to be supported. Because you trust in yourself and in feeling good is enough to allow that support into your life,

Paula Shepherd  31:22

that concept of receiving, allowing yourself to receive the support in your life, you do not have to do this all by yourself. It's, um, that that was a big lesson for me. That was a huge lesson for me, I think we could do a whole other podcast episode on that. But as we're kind of wrapping this up, Rachel, I would love for you to just provide just a couple of steps for people as they're starting out this year. And they're thinking God, I really hope that this is not a repeat of last year or thinking, Alright, I'm gonna hit the ground running and I'm gonna, I'm gonna make this happen. You know, it's New Year's resolution time. This is where people you know, they give it their all that 30 days, and then they they burn out moving forward. And and then comes the the whole avalanche of Reno, rolling and thinking and shaming. And so what what would you tell them in terms of human design and really aligning with themselves are the best steps for them, as they're, they're starting out 2022.

Rachael Ami  32:27

So I would say, for New Year's resolutions, make a commitment to your energy. So you're not committing to I'm going to work out every day, or I'm going to do this or I'm gonna do that and just commit to yourself that you will follow your energy, like I will I commit to following my energy every day, whether the energy is high, or whether that energy is low, commit to showing up as much as you can that day, knowing that more energy is coming again, a piece of that comes into like trusting if I rest today, I know there will be energy coming back. So really commit to showing up on your energetic level that you're at. Not at that 100% We're expected to be all the time. And then I would say also commit to doing three things every day that just feel really good that like give you those like warm fuzzies whether it's drinking coffee, or walking your dogs, or I like to have a little league ritual when I finished like my workday. So for me, I do I take the dogs out, I come home, I hug my boyfriend. That's my little like end of day ritual. And it's really great for your body to relax and have that Okay, we're done kind of moment. And then also look at your strategy and ask yourself like, where am I following this? So as a generator or a manifesting generator, where are you responding to the world around you with your gut? Where are you making those decisions that feel like a yes, in your gut, just where the sacral is, for emotional authorities give yourself permission to take as long as you need to make decisions. In the moment decisions are out for you as an emotional authority. So make that commitment to yourself, I will take time to make the decisions. Because my favourite thing that I say to Paula is there is no truth in the now if you have emotional authority, and really pay attention to that decision making system. Where are you following those intuitive hits? I think it's really great to keep a little kind of diary of intuitive hits, whether you're a splenic authority or not. And just keep a diary of what it was what happened. Did you follow it to do not so when you get these in the future, you have again written evidence of the times that you had intuitive hits, when you didn't follow them what happened when you did follow them kind of what happened? And as a long answer to your your question, that would be my advice.

Paula Shepherd  34:55

I love it. I know I don't think that that's a long answer at all. I think it's a great thing. answer and I, you know, listen to your intuition. There's there's a lot but the but the only way that you can hear it is if you give yourself the time and the space, which goes right back to the beginning of this whole episode, right and not pushing, and really creating that space for yourself. So this is exactly how we help our clients in the courage blueprint programmes. And Rachel is a an instrumental coach and their experience in helping them stay aligned. It's how we create custom experiences for people. This isn't cookie cutter, because you are not like everyone else, you are not designed like everyone else. And it is incredibly important for us to make sure that when you veer off the path, your path that we can help give you the little tap on the shoulder the little nudge and the reminder to say, Oh, wait, yeah, that doesn't feel good. And this is how I do it best. And we see all of our clients, when we're able to do that, too. They just they soar, they they're signing state, we had one recently signed six clients in, you know, five days, because she went back to doing it the way that it worked best for her and felt easiest for her. So this is real, this is real. This isn't woowoo this, you know, this is kind of pseudo science here. And, and I personally put this into practice. So it's not something that we recommend that I don't personally do. Lots of integrity here. So if you're interested in learning more about how you can work with Rachel, in the courage blueprint programmes, please send us a message. Rachael also does some gene, he readings and other amazing goodies as well, independently. So please do check out her website. Everything will be linked in the in the show notes as well. Or if you're interested in learning about how you can work with us together in the programmes, please do send a message. Everything's linked in the show notes. Check out our website, the courage Rachel, thank you for being here.

Rachael Ami  37:19

Thank you so much for having me, too. Yeah, I think I love the way we work together with our clients. Because our focus really is on building a sustainable business. Like we don't want you to get to 10k in the next 30 days, and then fall off burnout and take six months to recover. Like this is about building a sustainable legacy, you know, something that's going to build and something that's going to stay alive and make an impact for many years to come. And that's what I love about the way we utilise human design. And like you say you are perfectly designed to be uniquely who you are. And you have to build your business from that point of view to

Paula Shepherd  37:56

you do and I'm an example of it working and so are my clients. So Alright, well thank you all for listening to this episode. If you want to hear more about human design, shoot me an email at Paula at the courage blueprint calm and let me know we can make this a regular series and give you even more information on how to use your design to grow your business in a sustainable way. Thank you for listening to this episode of confidence session. I know there are hundreds of 1000s of podcasts. And I'm so grateful that you chose to spend your time today with me. Head on over to be fearless with forward slash podcast to check out the show notes from today's episode and grab links to all the amazing goodies mentioned today. Also, if you love this episode, as much as I love making it, make sure you don't miss any future ones by hitting the subscribe button right now. See you next time.

Categories: Human Design, Mindset, Podcast

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